
Monsoon Haircare Tips: 5 Essential Tips To Prevent Frizzy Hair And Breakage

Keep your hair healthy this monsoon with these essential tips: cleanse scalp, condition, use wide-tooth comb, anti-frizz products, and protect from rain.

Monsoon Haircare Tips: Essential Strategies to Prevent Frizzy Hair and Breakage

One thing that is so terrible about the monsoon season is that it weighs down your hair and makes it frizzy and easier to break due to the presence of humidity. Below are five things that you should do in order to ensure that you keep your hair manageable and healthy when the rainy season comes.

Keep Your Scalp Clean and Dry: Control of the environment by regulating humidity is important, since sweat and oil accumulation on the scalp makes one prone to fungus infection and dandrif. To maintain healthy hair, it is advisable to wash your hair frequently with a gentle shampoo that removes stains and grease on the hair. Make certain that the scalp is thoroughly dry before going out in case the dry environment causes fungal development.

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Condition Regularly: Conditioning after each shampoo is vital since it will help improve the quality of your hair by making it look smooth and healthy. Ensure that you pay more attention to the lengths and ends because they may dry up faster during the rainy season. Do not apply the conditioner on your head, especially on your hair’s root area as this will make it appear pudgy.

Monsoon Haircare Tips: 5 Essential Tips To Prevent Frizzy Hair And Breakage

Use a Wide-Tooth Comb: Do not comb or brush your hair when wet because it can cause split ends and damage the hair; do it carefully using a wide-toothed comb. When washing the hair, start from the tips and then proceed to the roots as this will reduce the pulling force on the hair and hence reduced breakage.

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Opt for Anti-Frizz Products: Buy products such as serums or creams which are designed to combat frizz and maintain the stray hairs or flyaway hairs. Massage on wash, dried and damp hair; use not too much, just a drop, spread on the tips. These products afford a closure against moisture and establish a barrier through which humidity cannot penetrate.

Protect Your Hair from Rainwater: To reduce the number of times you will wash your hair because of rainwater that makes it frizzy and limp when exposed, cover your hair with a scarf or an umbrella every time you are going out for a rainy day. In the course of the day, if maybe your hair gets a little muddy or wet, wash it with clean water and apply dioxide to minimize tangling.

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Conclusion: Here are some ways you can protect your hair from the monsoon damage like frizz and breakage as mentioned above, follow them now. By doing the right thing, use of the right products and right handling all year round, your hair will remain healthy, shiny, and manageable even during this rainy season.

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