Being Pretty isn’t a Prize for me, Men share major turn offs for them on internet

Things that are a major turn offs for men! Millennial men share major turn offs for them on Quora & we couldn’t agree more!
- When it comes to dating – Let’s decode what works for men?
- Major things that can instantly push away men
Dating has completely changed in the last decade and it means different things for men and women. While lack of communication can turn off women, an arrogant and complaining woman can instantly push away men. That’s one example. Recently, a user on Quora asked what are the major turn offs for men and men gave some interesting answers. We also reached out to some men to seek answers and they came up with quite logical answers.
Ladies, do not forget to take notes! Here is a list of some logical answers that made men walk away, breakup and ghost in a relationship. (Well, we do not support ghosting because it can have a long lasting impact on an individual.)
- When someone believes that they are a prize and way too pretty for me. I mean, I always have to prove my worth to deserve their prettiness. That’s a major turn off. Appreciating beauty is one thing but bragging about it turns me off. – Says- 29 –year –old, IT professional, Delhi
2. When she is only interested in her phone. I have ghosted women for not understanding that a date is meant for knowing each other and not for using the phone and texting her best friend. Like, I am interested in her, not in her best friend, what’s going on in her life. – Says Aman Rana, Entrepreneur, 30, Delhi
3. Viewing sex as anything other than a mutually enjoyable activity. It’s not something that men have to earn. When you are in a relationship, it is consensual. It is not something that should be taken off the table as a punishment and I think that’s a major turn for me. – Says Arnav Jha, 26, Kolkata.
4. It is not our duty to always compliment them. In a relationship, it is about equality and we also deserve compliments and random messages saying that we matter to them.- says an Engineer, 24.
5. Always discussing their past and their ex is a major turn off. Let the past be in the past. If someone constantly brings up their past, it is a major turn off for anyone irrespective of their gender – Says a Software Engineer, 29, Bengaluru.
6. Not allowing personal space- It is one of the major turn offs for men. Women have to understand that in a relationship as well one needs their personal space. We cannot be together 24×7. There would be times when I would be out with friends or for an important meeting and I would surely not be able to respond to your messages instantly. In that case, we expect our partners to be understanding. – Akshay, 27, Gujarat
7. I won’t date someone who has self- esteem issues. Don’t expect it to change because you are dating them. – Rohit Verma, 33, Delhi.
Relationships are based on equality, love, respect and mutual understanding. Self -Awareness is extremely important when you enter a romantic relationship. Few things could be a major turn off for the other person. In that case, it is always a good idea to have discussions if the problem arises. Ghosting in a relationship should be a big no. Everyone deserves a reason for why a relationship is coming to an end, says a dating coach.
Ladies! When you now know, right? Be sure that you are intentionally pulling away men.