Why is Lord Shiva the best husband? Qualities every millennial men should learn from him

5 qualities every millennial man should learn from Lord Shiva before Saying “I do”
Millennials are redefining marriage rules. They are more interested in solo traveling, making their parents proud, experimenting new things than settling down and starting a family. Things have changed. Women have more choices than ever before. One of the major reasons behind it is better education. Men and women both are redefining gender roles. For millennials, Marriage means – equality, personal space, and shared finances.
If you have already found someone, and you really want to spend the rest of your life with her, then this article is for you. When we talk about ideal husband Lord Shiva comes first to our mind. He is even worshipped to get an ideal partner.
Here are 5 qualities that every millennial man should learn from Lord Shiva before saying I do. Lord Shiva is a perfect husband. He has all the qualities that a millennial man need to make his marriage successful. Shiva and Parvati’s relationship has everything in it. Sacrifice, unconditional love, and valuing the partner.
1. Unshakable Faith
In today’s era, traveling, working in different cities have become common. In that case, it is important to have trust in your partner. Every time Shiva and Parvati got separated their love got strengthened. Just like them, millennials need to learn the power of trust. You people can be in different cities but that should not affect the faith of your relationship.
2. The hard rock support system of his lady love
He always supported goddess Parvati. He even made her realize the internal power that she possessed. Lord Shiva is the greatest support system of goddess Parvati. The modern generation should learn this from him. Supporting your lady love in every situation is the best thing that you can do for her.
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3. Admiring her in all forms
Lord Shiva admired goddess Parvati in every form. Be it Mahakali, Anapoorna or Gauri. Shiva loved all forms of Parvati. As a husband, he accepted the extreme anger of Goddess Parvati. The lesson here is that acceptance is everything. You need to accept your partner, the way she is.
4. He believed in equality
In every picture, we have seen Goddess Parvati sitting next to him. He believed in equality. To make your marriage successful it is important to treat your partner equally. Take her advice when it comes to making key decisions in your life.
5. Husband also means mentor and friend
Lord Shiva guided goddess Parvati the secret of success. He is a loyal friend with whom Goddess Parvati can share all her insecurities and worries. To be someone’s husband it is important to become her friend.
Believing in the concept of marriage is completely an individual’s choice. But these characteristics are very important to make your relationship or marriage work. If you are planning to take your relationship to another level, then there is so much that you can learn from Lord Shiva. These qualities will definitely help you.