Love, Expectations & Reality: How our generation is stuck with idea of being in love?

How we have changed our perspective towards love?
Love – The four letter word is the most complicated word to understand. It is complex and deep. Some can understand it in a span of six months, and for some it stays a riddle forever. Over the past few years, the definition of love has completely changed, especially for women. Dating and modern relationship are far more complexed. With gazillion of options available just at a click, we are only stuck with the idea of being in love.
We as a generation has seen more destructive relationships. Because we really don’t understand what we actually want and what we are looking for. There is passion, spark, but there is lack of commitment and compatibility in relationships. Here is how our perspective has changed towards love. And that’s why we are stuck somewhere in the middle.
Read more: Love, Romance and Intimacy in the era of COVID 19
- We have mixed concept of love and like: Earlier, it was just love. Now, we have big social circles, we meet new people every then and now. A lot of times we mix love with like. Love is a process, and we tend to forget it.
- We expect companionship but when it becomes a reality, it scares us: Yes! The reason behind could be anything. We just want to settle for anything less of we think it’s too early. We expect companionship, but sometimes when we actually get it we feel scared.
- We generalise: Another big reason for being stuck with the just idea of love. We expect things to be a certain way. But we forget not everybody is same. We keep on generalising. Thus, we are unable to form deep and meaningful relationships.
- Reality is hard to accept: We don’t think about flaws of a person. We like real and raw, but we don’t love them. It becomes a hard deal for us to love someone who speaks her or his mind. Someone is raw. Hence, we contradict things we really want.
- We go on repeating the vicious cycle: To fill the void, we go on repeating the same mistakes. To get solace we often repeat the same pattern. It makes difficult for us to fall in love and we get stuck to the idea of being in love.
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