
8 Grossest Things Girls Do in Winters But Won’t Admit

Sometimes women are too lazy to get up and work; here are the Grossest Things Girls Do in winters.

Grossest Things Girls Do in winters: Many uninvited troubles are tagged along with the arrival of winter. Laziness is one of the most apparent problems faced by all. After all, who wants to get out of bed in such a cold atmosphere? No one, right? We dread touching cold surfaces with our bare skin and especially water. Here are some weirdest things they do.

Women, whom we assume are the strongest and one of the most sophisticated creatures created by God (at least that is what is presumed by boys), are also not oblivious to this fact. Surprisingly, women are the ones who do the weirdest, dirtiest and grossest things to avoid getting out of bed in the winter. What? Let us find out:

8 Grossest Things Girls Do in Winters But Won’t Admit

1. Skipping Bath

Obviously, removing clothes and getting naked just for bathing is not worth all the cold air your skin will catch. What harm skipping a bath for a day could do? But, apparently, that’s not where you stop because washing your hair is a bigger task. Women are always looking for excuses to avoid having a head bath. And deodorants are our major saviours.

Grossest Things Girls Do in Winters
Image Credit: Freepik

2. Hold back pee

When we were kids and had to pee really bad in the middle of the night, we would hold it back. Those were when fear of being caught by monsters used to speak but now, even after being all grown; we are scared of leaving the bed to pee. Why? Because ‘Cool air Monster’ might catch us. Funny, but women do that.

3. Wearing same jeans for weeks

Washing clothes in winter is a big ‘NO’. Come on, who would want to wash clothes knowing you might catch a cold. That is why we often see women wearing the same jeans or leggings for weeks without caring how dirty they look or how bad they smell. It provides them warmth, which is all that matters at that time.

4. Splashing face in moisturizer

One of the negatives of winter is dry skin. Sometimes to cover that dry skin, women blob their faces with too much lotion, which makes them look gross. But what can they do? Nothing.

5. Making Boobs & Bums personal heater

Have you ever noticed your hands slip into your sweaters and pants for a nice toasty feeling? Well, it is a guilty pleasure for most girls. The skin underneath the breasts is always warm and works as their personal heater.

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6. No Shave Winter

Boys may have no shave in November, but girls usually pledge for no shave winters. After all, our skin is barely visible under the pile of clothes, then what is the point of getting waxed? Therefore, winter is the best time to turn into a Koala bear.

7. Wiping your nosy from sleeves

Oh, come on! Just admit it; we all do it. Especially in winter, when you have run out of tissues, it’s time to nose up your sleeves. (Please, sis! at least put this clothing in the washer)

8. Bra-free winters

Usually, girls prefer to go bra-free as soon as they reach the room. But winters are a legit bra-free season. And nobody will ever find it out under the layers you are wearing. So, your tities remained comforted and warm.

Well, these are a few dirty secrets of girls which we know. However, we are sure that there will be more such grossest things girls do in Winters.  Do you have any? Share it with your girl gang, and let’s see who gets the maximum nods.

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Ayushi Mittal

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