Are you a good friend? Let’s Take a test!

It’s time to redefine Friendship. What does it really mean to be a good friend?
Every relationship stands equally important to us. But friends we make in different phases of life always hold a special place in our hearts. Isn’t it? We all have that one good friend with whom we can share everything, the “Chuddy-buddy” kind. Having good friends is really important for our happiness. But the appalling reality is that we hardly find good friends.
This world is full of toxic people. Yes, these people will act like your friends but will only ruin your life. So, knowing about good friends who just make you feel special with their unconditional love is crucial.
Related : 7 Mature Ways To End A Friendship
Why good friends are so important?
Good friends are always remembered. They are a pretty important part of our lives. But the question arises why they are so essential for us? Much research has been done looking into the benefits of Friendship, which has found exactly what you might expect. Results show that the better relationships you have, the more likely you will be happy. Therefore, it is suitable for your happiness to be a great friend to someone and to have a group of good friends supporting you. Here, we are not talking about how you can make good friends. In fact, you should be a good friend to others. Support them whenever they require it.
Unstated signs of a good friend
To be a good friend, firstly become a good person. There are some signs of good friends that you should know. Friends will come and go in your life, but more important than how long a friendship lasts is that a good friend will love you for who you are. You can tell the sign of a good friend by looking at the actions they take –big and small – that show they care.
Here, are some unstated signs of “good friend”:
1. Someone who will support you whenever you require that support.
2. The one who can be trusted and won’t judge you.
3. Someone who won’t put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings. In fact, they respect you and your feelings too.
4. Someone who is kind and has respect for you. Never be a friend to someone who never respects you
5. Someone who will love you because they choose to, not because they feel like they should.
6. Someone whose company you enjoy showing loyalty is trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard.
7. Most importantly, someone who stood beside you even during difficult times. That is the real test for a good friend.

Bringing a smile to everyone’s face is a real sign of a true friend. If you want to do all or many of the above things for someone you care about, you are already a good friend. To be a good friend, you should adopt a few things immediately.
1 Listen: Listen to buddies patiently. Try to understand what they want to say. Listening is essential not to underestimate, but it can be hard to do. The best way to listen is to try and understand the situation from your friend’s point of view. If you aim to do this, you will naturally find yourself beginning to ask the right questions. They will appreciate having someone who cares about their feelings and what they are going through. Take their advice and give your advice too. Don’t dominate others because it can actually spoil your Friendship
2. Ask them what they need. Be sensitive with those you actually care for. If you are worried about someone and want to be there for them, just ask them what they need- that way, you know what they find helpful during tough times, and you can be there in a way that’s most useful to them.
3. Get physical. Sometimes a warm hug is a solution to the entire problem. Smiles and hugs are a great way to show friends that they are not alone, that you are there for them, and that they are important. So, be warm to them. Provide them lots of hugs and kisses.
4. Keep in touch. Even if you are not near each other, keeping in touch through Facebook, emails, texts and calls will show your friend you are there for them. Don’t cut off. Try to be in touch even though you are busy in your own lives.
5. Tell them how you feel. Never hide your feelings. You do not have to make a big deal of it all the time, but sometimes, letting someone know that they are important to you through something you say can make a big difference in how someone feels. Telling someone they mean a lot to you strengthens your bond.
6. Get the facts. If your friend has a medical condition or a mental health issue, an excellent way to offer support is to learn about what they have been diagnosed with. During this time, provide them the help they need. Taking an interest in what they are going through shows that you care and plan to stick around no matter what’s happening.
7. Be willing to make a tough call. If you think your friend’s safety is at risk, you might need to act without their consent and get help (see the sidebar where you can seek help). It can be challenging, particularly when you are worried about their reaction. Remember that you are acting because you care. You do not want them to be hurt.