6 Eco-friendly Rangoli Ideas for a Green & sustainable Diwali

Want to turn to Eco-friendly Rangoli Ideas? Try out these ideas for a sustainable Diwali!!
Diwali is always a busy affair, and it is the perfect time to search for Rangoli Ideas. But how about including Eco-friendly Rangoli ideas in your search?
Not Just Crackers, Rangolis are a reason for pollution too
The hustle and bustle for the day begin days before. And the thing associated with Diwali is pollution. Every year, the festival of lights leaves behind a pollution score that is scary and dangerous. Even though using firecrackers is discouraged year after year, some people still indulge in this dangerous habit. Every year we hear the news of uncontrollable smog in various parts of the country.
Although this is not the only way, Diwali becomes the reason for pollution and harm. Rangolis are a significant factor too. The tradition of making rangoli on Diwali is also dangerous in many ways. Usually, people use colours to make rangoli. No, these colours are most probably not eco-friendly. People don’t pay as much attention to the quality of colour as they do on Holi because these colours are not for their skin. But it is noteworthy that cheap colours are full of chemicals and are very harmful to the environment. The toxicity of the colours is detrimental to the soil, plants, and humans, who will inevitably inhale the chemicals.
So, what’s the alternative? How can we avoid this pollution? Should we stop making Rangoli? Definitely not. The tradition of Rangoli making is an old one. We should certainly not do away with it. It is auspicious and pious, and we should continue with it, but in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner. So, here are some eco-friendly Rangoli ideas for a responsible and sustainable Diwali!
Eco-friendly Rangoli ideas
Coloured Rice
This is an effortless way to switch to organic ingredients for Rangoli. You need to colour some rice differently and use it just as you would any colour.
You can go with turmeric for yellow, beetroot juice for red, mashed leaves for green, and crushed flowers of different colours.
Paper Quill
Paper quilling is a unique craft. Strips of paper bent, folded and rolled in various shapes to make beautiful patterns are what quilling consists of. This method can also be used to make rangolis. And what’s more, you can save this rangoli for a long time. After Diwali, you can get this Rangoli framed and display it at your home. The quilling papers are available at all stationery shops and are very cheap. The quilling needle used for rolling the strips is very affordable as well.
Just like Rice, simple wheat flour could also be used for eco-friendly Rangoli. Since liquids cannot be used to colour flour, the colour options are limited, but various beautiful designs can be made with the limited colour palette.
For yellow, turmeric is always the best bet. For blue colour, powdered indigo can be used. The flour itself is white.
These are the best bet for your eco-friendly Diwali. These are beautiful and chemical-free, and very sustainable. You can buy different flowers of different colours and sizes.
Flowers can be used in various forms. You can pluck out the petals and use those, or you can use the flower as a whole. While flowers are being used, their leaves can be used too. Leaves are very much manageable, like flower petals, and will add a bright touch to your Rangoli.
Herbal Colours
While herbal colours are a little expensive, they are the best choice if you want to go for powdered colours. These herbal colours are eco-friendly and do not cause harm in any way. They are more or less chemical-free and environmentally friendly.
Coloured Stones
Taking your creativity to the next level, you can use coloured stones, the cleanest way to make rangolis. The no mess of coloured stones is beneficial as you can store them for the next year, which is impossible with colours, Rice and flowers.
If you want to try a new idea next year, you can always decorate your plant pots with these coloured stones. You can put them around the stems of your plants which look just beautiful.
These are some Eco-friendly Rangoli Ideas that you can try. Take a step towards an Eco-friendly Diwali and sustainably celebrate the festival of lights.