
Dog Anxiety: Here’s how you can help your furry friend suffering from separation anxiety

Help cheer up your furry four-legged friend as depression and anxiety can affect dogs, much like humans

It has been seen and observed that humans interact with animals especially dogs in numerous ways and on numerous levels. But, that’s not it. The way animals interact with humans has been considered more effective and efficient

It will be safe to say that we are indeed living in an ‘animal’s world,’ and animals, like dogs particularly that we commonly refer to as our pets, are living in a “human’s world” as their (dogs) lives completely revolve around us (humans) and dogs have been part of human’s world for longer than any other domestic species.

However, one of the challenging parts for dogs is when their owners don’t understand them and on the other hand, the most challenging part of being a dog owner is that they are unable to communicate effectively.

Perhaps that’s why, when it comes to concerns like anxiety, it is really important for pet owners to understand what is going on with their furry friends.

Dogs, like us, always had and always will but they struggle with anxiety and when they do, they expect from us. Be careful because if dog anxiety is left untreated, it can develop into behavioural and other problems.

The majority of the global population is diagnosed with a mental illness, not to mention those cases millions that go undiagnosed. So, if you are among them, you’re probably familiar with the term anxiety and how it impacts dogs.

However, studies have shown that this decision to welcome a dog into the family has proven to improve mental well-being.

So, if you can’t tell whether your dog is suffering from anxiety, we’re here to walk you through all you need to know about it, including the most prevalent causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention:


Fear-related anxiety:  It can be anything from Loud noises, scary visuals to unfamiliar persons or animals, or even strange locations, specific scenarios- like the vet’s office or uncomfortable car rides can easily trigger fear-related anxiety.

Separation anxiety: It is believed that about 14% of dogs suffer from separation anxiety. Such dogs are left alone or separated from their family and are not able to find solace. Also, when they are left alone for the first time after suffering a traumatic event or change in the family’s routine or behaviour like the loss of a family member or other pet.

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Age-related anxiety: In some cases, multiple reports have suggested that older dogs suffer from age-related anxiety, which has been linked to (CDS) also known as cognitive dysfunction syndrome. In such dogs, learning, memory, consciousness, and perception, start to deteriorate in CDS dogs, comparable to the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease in humans. As a result of this, senior dogs are understandably confused and anxious.

SIGNS OF DOG-ANXIETY (most obvious symptoms of dog anxiety include)

Becomes aggressive, bark, howl, or whine in excess

Urinating or defecating even after they are housebroken

Panting, chew things up, scratch at windows and doors and dig holes

Destructive behaviour or trying to escape

Depression, excessive barking and restlessness

Repetitive or compulsive behaviours


Medical treatment: Kindly contact a good veterinarian if your dog develops a major anxiety issue so that they may prescribe drugs or alternative treatments. Also, to help your dog deal with predicted anxiety-producing situations like automobile journeys, thunderstorms, or fireworks, your veterinarian may recommend a benzodiazepine in combination with an antidepressant which can help your furry friend to stay calm.

Behavioural training: Doctors urge that offer something to your dog such as yummy food funny & tasty toys which will keep it interested longer while you are gone.  You can use these tactics to turn a negative association into a positive one with something the animal prefers.

Another furry friend: Getting another dog for your pet dog is always a good option and can help if your dog’s separation anxiety is triggered by the loss of a buddy. It can be repaired if another dog is around all of the time as anxiety attacks simply by being separated from loved ones.

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Socialisation: It will be very beneficial for you as anxiety can be avoided by proper socialization. Try introducing your dog to new and good human beings, especially dog lovers, or even introduce your dog to new good dogs, as the experiences can be a huge help.

Obedience: Multiple reports have stated that it has been an essential strategy for preventing and managing anxiety in dogs and creates trust and lays the groundwork for a strong connection. Obedience classes can be an opportunity for dogs to meet other dogs in their own comfortable atmosphere, also, well-trained dogs are easier to socialise with compared to dogs that haven’t been trained.

Exercise and nutrition: These are proved to be very helpful for dogs’ physical and mental development, as regular exercise and receiving proper nourishment can help you avoid behaviour problems. Also, taking care of your dog’s physical and mental requirements along with basic needs like medical care, hygiene and grooming and emotional care helps you identify the issues where your dog requires your greatest assistance.

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