Career options for a psychology graduate in India

We have listed 8 career options for a psychology graduate in India
Do you understand how individuals think or how their behaviour changes according to situations? How it is difficult for some people to talk to strangers while a cake-walk like for others? Do words like “disorders”, “hallucinations” and “unconscious mind” ring a bell to you? If you have completed your graduation and post-graduation in psychology and are looking for options? If the answer is yes to all these questions, you are going to make a good psychologist of yourself. We will help you in knowing all the career options for a psychologist graduate in India.
Psychology as profession is gaining the importance and demand in India. There are plenty of career options for a psychology graduate in India. Here are some of them.
Education Sector:
Psychologists are required as school counsellors, career counsellors, trainers etc in the education sector. Professionals help children during their education days. Students who have difficulties in learning or have behavioural issues are cared by psychologists.
Career counsellors help students in understanding their potential and choosing the right career for them. Education sector consumes the most number of psychologists. The average pay for freshers in this area ranges between 20K-35K (approx) per month.
Counsellors are required in rehabilitation centres, NGOs, old age homes to understand the problems of clients. Counsellors help the client in coming out from the misery. Problems include some traumatic event in the life of a person or personal problems in a relationship. Counsellor’s job in old-age homes is to ensure that residents should not feel worthless and lonely in the home. In rehabilitation centres, patients like drug addicts are helped in reducing the intake of the drug. Counsellors reach to the root of the cause and help them in getting out their miserable life. However, serious cases are not handed to psychologists mostly. The average pay for fresher psychologists ranges between 20K to 30K monthly.
Clinical Psychology
This is the booming area in the psychology sector in India currently. A psychologist has to go through a long journey to reach here. They have to first complete M. Phil, before starting the independent practice. Clinical psychologists deal with the patients who come to the clinic after making appointments. Generally, day-to-day problems are not dealt in this case. People who are suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders and those who have normal psychiatric crisis like grief are possible clients for these psychologists. Clinical psychologists apply various therapies and work almost parallel to a Psychiatrist. Psychiatrists complete their MBBS first and then they study Psychiatry as a subject while pursuing MD. They can prescribe medicines to the clients but the clinical psychologist only apply therapies to the clients. Some clinical psychologist are generalists who are not specific about their client but few works with only with specific groups like the elderly, children, or those with specific orders.
Health Psychology
These professionals are responsible for contributions of psychology towards the maintenance and promotion of good health and the prevention as well as treatment of illness. Special programs might get conducted or designed to lose weight, alcoholism, staying physically fit, managing stress, preventing smoking and more. These are mostly recruited in hospitals, rehabilitation centres, medical schools, academic settings, public health agencies and private practices.
People who have a passion for both qualitative and quantitative research could become researchers. They are paid approx 25K per month which increases time to time. You can pursue a PhD if this profile interests you.
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Industrial or Organizational psychologists are concerned with the relationships between the individual and his work environments. They might be involved in personnel selection. These professional psychologists also help in developing new ways of increasing workplace productivity. They are employed in industrial set-ups, factories, government agencies, corporate houses, business and academic establishments.
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Sports Psychology
Sports psychologists help athletes in their performance by dealing with the psychological factors in games. Effects of exercises and physical activity on health psychological adjustments are taken into account when a sports psychologist is at work. They mostly work in academic settings or as a consultant for sports team.
Social Work
If you love helping others then you can explore a career in social work. There are a variety of allied fields in social work. A social worker who practice psychology is mostly known as psychiatric social workers. Clinical social workers help clients in diagnoses and treatment of psychological problems. Psychiatrist social workers provide services to married couples, families, individuals, and small groups. These people work in sheltered workshops, counseling centres, mental health centres, schools and hospitals. Few social work psychologist also operates privately.
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