Buying flowers for Yourself on Rose Day can Boost Your Mood

7th February to be celebrated as ‘Rose Day’. Here is how buying flowers for yourself can boost your mood and positively change your life!
When we think of flowers, we usually reserve them for special occasions. We give flowers to others or expect them as a gift from others. For this exchange no day can be better than 7th February. Why? Because it’s Rose Day.
However, it’s not necessary that all of us will get roses from the special one. So, if you are also planning to spend Valentine’s Day in a blanket, sobbing for being alone, why not buy yourself some flowers?
Do you know buying flowers for yourself can boost your mood and improve your mental health? Health experts say buying flowers for yourself is the best self-care method. According to a study by the University of North Florida, buying flowers for yourself can make you happier. Living with flowers can help people be more energetic, strengthen their feelings of compassion and foster creativity.
There are different flowers and different types of plants that impact your mood differently. A snake plant is an option if you are looking for something productive. Similarly, jasmine promotes sound sleep; bright yellow or orange Calendula flowers are known for their healing properties. You can also buy roses to celebrate the wonderful person that you are. Well, you can have a different reason for purchasing flowers, but once in a while, you should pick one for yourself.
Here are the 5 best reasons to buy flowers for yourself!
1. It will boost your mood if you are having a bad day
Flowers can instantly boost your mood. If you are having a bad day, you must buy yourself flowers. According to scientific research, having fresh flowers at home or at workplace can positively impact your mood.
2. It is an act of self-care
Receiving flowers as a gift from someone is good, but buying flowers for yourself is excellent. It is an act of self-care. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to adore and admire yourself. Be kind and compassionate to yourself, and love yourself a little more.
3. To celebrate your small achievements
You shouldn’t be waiting for others to celebrate your small achievements. Gift yourself flowers to remind yourself how wonderful you are as a person. If you feel like picking up flowers for yourself, pick them and make yourself feel special.
4. It increases the level of compassion
Studies have proven that staying around flowers reduces stress and increases compassion. People who add flowers to their workplace or bedroom tend to enjoy better relationships with others.
5. It also promotes better sleep
If you want a sound sleep, pick flowers and decorate them in your bedroom. Surrounding yourself with flowers will promote sound sleep. People who kept flowers in their bedrooms reported feeling energetic in the morning.
In this digital world, we constantly live under stress. In that case, it is important to pause, breathe and distress ourselves. Buying flowers for yourself is one of the ways to keep your mental health under check. You can pick them in the morning while going to work or just buy them to keep in your bedroom. In fact, flowers not only just uplift your mood but also boost your memory. Interestingly, according to a study, flowers also up your sex appeal. As per a survey, women find men attractive who bring flowers on the first date. The mere presence of flowers is enough to make a man seem like a more desirable candidate for romance.
Next time you want to take a moment to appreciate yourself, do not forget to treat yourself with beautiful flowers and say Yeh Tohfa humne khud ko diya hai!