11 best Ted Talks that will just make your weekend!

11 Best Ted Talks that taught life is all about Dreaming Big
Determining the slogan ‘Idea worth sharing’ and a motive to spread meaningful stories and life experiences, Ted was founded 35 years ago in 1984 and already posted over 2,600 videos on the web. From top leaders, business people, and politicians to scientists, psychologists, and musicians, people share their thoughts, experiences, and teachings from the platform to the world.
From those hundreds of videos, we have selected (not the best one but) our favorite one for you. So, inspire, aspire, and fly with these best 11 Ted talks ever:
1. What makes a good life?
Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger unpuzzled the apprehension of a good life with the most extensive 75-years-old study on 724 men for happiness. Waldinger shared his most important life lessons for a good, balanced, happy, and healthy life. The video was published on 25 January 2016 and has over 14.7 million now.
2. My philosophy for a happy life by Sam Bern’s
This little teenager will thrill you with his unusual words and ethical philosophy for a happy life. Sam had a rare disease – Progeria, a rapid aging disorder. He died after a year of delivering the video. He appeared on HBO documentary ‘Life according to Sam’, on 21 October 2013.
3. The virginity fraud by Nina Brochmann & Ellen Stokken.
The authors of the book ‘The wonder down under’ have some convincing and initial facts about women’s most misunderstood and dangerous body parts – The hymen. The authors took the stage to spread awareness for better sex education and knowledge about the human body.
4. The art of seduction by Dr. Seema Anand
Through the creation philosophy of Hinduism and the mythical stories, Dr. Seema describes the art of seduction, and it’s meaning. She explains the 64 techniques of seduction written on ‘Kamasutra’ and how to be genuinely seductive as a woman and a man. This mix of the ancient and modern philosophy of temptation and life will definitely amaze you.
5. How to travel the world with almost no money by Tomislav Perko
How to travel the world with no money? Have you ever searched it on google? Well, you’re not alone then, a lot of people worldwide dream of traveling, but most of them lack money.
Tomislav Perko turned in to a full-time traveler and explored six continents, visited 40 countries and covered more than 50,000 kilometers, and lived under a $10/day budget doing the random job and earning passive income.
6. Thoughts on humanity, love, and fame by Shah Rukh Khan
The Bollywood King took the stage to sell dreams, spread love and compassion. The actor shared a bit of his life experience and a lot about his thoughts on humanity. You wouldn’t want to miss out this lovely, funny yet inspiring talk by this Bollywood superstar.
7. The most unexpected acoustic guitar performance by the Shouhawk duo
This isn’t a usual Ted talk, but something unexpected and amusing. These two English guitarists Mikhail Asanovik and Jake Wright took the music to another level. This video will make you dance.
The event was organized by the local community using the Ted conference format.
8. How to speak so that people want to listen by Julian Treasure
Speaking is an art, a medium to convey our thoughts and views, but sometimes we fail and feel that no one is listening us. Communication skill is one thing that could make us stand apart from the rest in our both professional as well as personal life, and Julian has the solution to make people listen to you.
9. Why do we sleep by Russel Foster
Sleep plays a vital role in our overall health and brain’s vigor, yet it the most underrated subject amongst people in today’s world. Neuroscientist Russel Foster shares some fascinating facts about sleep and busts the myths and lores about how much sleep humans of different ages need.
10. Questioning the Universe by Stephen Hawking
The cosmos or the universe is the oldest and biggest existing object and the most complicated to understand too. The theories about the Universe and creation have changed since the 19th century and now bringing new questions to the cosmologists. Stephen Hawking, in the video, talks about the possible life and existence on another planet than earth.
11. The world we are building and boring by Elon Musk
Probably the longest video ever recorded on the Ted stage. Elon musk is designing the future world under the ground and trying to make it brisk and safe. If you’re tech and future optimistic and want to live with flying, self-driving cars, this video will give you a glimpse of the forthcoming world. Neither Elon Musk nor Ted fails us when it comes to tech, innovation, and a better world.
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