De-Stress Techniques: 5 Apps that can help you meditate and de-stress for 2020

De-Stress Techniques: How to keep stress at bay through these amazing Apps?
Meditation is a lifesaver in this world of insecurities. It also a great way to stay mindful and find your Zen, especially when circumstances don’t want you to! There are so many de-stress techniques available out there, but meditation is the best way to burst the stress. Well, meditation is a lot more than just deep breathing and concentrating. If you also want to start meditating anytime soon, then here are 5 apps that can help you to meditate and de-stress.
1. Buddhify
The app will give access to various custom meditation programs (almost 11 hours worth). Every practice session available on the app is designed for specific aspects of life. One will help to get sound sleep; another will allow you to take a break from work. This app helps you to stick to your meditation plan so you can reap its benefits.
2. Headspace
The gym is not enough for optimal health. Headspace is an app improves mental acuity, patience, productivity and sleep with daily use. It’s free with a few premium additions. Notably, the free trial includes 10 beginner exercises. You can also monitor your growth personally and there is a reward system too which will encourage you to make meditation a daily habit.
Read more: Feeling Depressed, Suicidal? Let Yoga Pick You Up From The Doldrums!
3. 10 Percent Happier
Are you still skeptic about meditation? Then this app can do wonders to your life and can completely change your perspective. The exercises in the app help a person to deal with sleep problems and anxiety. The best part is that the app updates its content every week.
4. Calm – What an app? Just can’t keep calm
Calm not only helps you to de-stress but it also helps you to sleep more peacefully. The app has a feature called Daily calm. It is a 10 0 minute program which is great if you are new to meditation.
5. Hear and Now – Little Moments of Music Mindfulness
The main aim of the app is to measure your heart rate by using your Phone’s camera, while you are performing deep- breathing exercises. It examines the change in your heart rate to determine whether you are following and breathing exercises accurately.
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