India Condemns Pakistan’s Kashmir Remarks, Rejects Justification for Terrorism
India strongly attacked Pakistan for its continuous reference to Jammu and Kashmir in worldwide meetings because these remarks fail to provide legitimacy to violent border activity.
India Condemns Pakistan’s Kashmir Remarks, Rejects Justification for Terrorism
India strongly attacked Pakistan for its continuous reference to Jammu and Kashmir in worldwide meetings because these remarks fail to provide legitimacy to violent border activity. The Indian government released this forceful statement while Pakistan maintains its pursuit of Kashmir internationalization despite India holding firm that Jammu Kashmir does not belong to a foreign nation and belongs to India alone.
Pakistan has repeatedly used global discussions including United Nations and multilateral meetings to present its view on Kashmir as human rights violations which require international action. Pakistan continues to face rejection from India who accuses the country of backing militant organizations while they conduct assaults against J&K and other parts of India. The government of India believes terrorist activities stand as the core challenge for achieving regional peace instead of any unresolved political matters.
India has condemned, in the strongest terms, Pakistan’s continuing, and in its opinion, unwarranted references to Jammu and Kashmir in international fora, which, by itself, does not provide any justification for cross-border terrorism. India has further accused Pakistan of raising the Kashmir issue to conceal its internal troubles while encouraging various terrorist organizations to work against India. India avers that Jammu and Kashmir is an inalienable part of India, and anything on it is strictly an internal matter for India. India has pleaded with the world to focus on fighting terrorism instead of being taken in by Pakistan’s narrative, and has made it clear that talking is possible only if Pakistan stops supporting terrorism.
India asserts through its UN and diplomatic representatives that Pakistan uses the Kashmir issue to evade attention from its domestic problems which comprise an economic decline combined with political instability as well as rising extremism. India has persistently declared that Pakistan does not recognize its support for violent organizations like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed which conduct numerous attacks inside Indian borders. The track record of human rights violations including minority mistreatment and enforced disappearances and free speech suppression in Pakistan prevents the country from being taken seriously on the Kashmir issue.
India finalized the political arrangement of Jammu and Kashmir by repealing Article 370 in August 2019 which fully subjected the region to Indian laws. The Indian government considers all Pakistanian moves against its internal matters as a breach of international legal principles and state sovereignty. India has further said that the global set has to make efforts on stopping terrorism rather than getting misled by Pakistan’s harangue. Dialogue with Pakistan, according to New Delhi, is possible only when Islamabad takes credible action against terrorism and prevents cross-border infiltration. Until, the country will continue to counter Pakistan’s claims and work to gain acceptance of its position in the international arena. The more Pakistan is accused of supporting terrorism, the more the international community shall be made to realize India’s concern for peace and security in the region.
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