6 Bizarre words from Different Language that you should add in your dictionary right away!

Understanding the terms in English!
People from different regions, speak a different language. India itself comprises of so many cultures and languages which cannot be translated into English and if we look at the whole world, there are so many words which can be used in daily conversation which can have a great impact on our impression.

Let us take a look at such words –
Bhaat Ghoom –
This word has originated from Bengal. Bengalis love a few things passionately like food, politics, literature, and sleep. In Bengali, bhaat means rice and ghoom means sleep. There are certain establishments in Kolkata which are shut down during the afternoon so that the owners can get their siesta. After a heavy meal of rice with three types of torkaari (vegetable), Bengalis prefer to sleep in the afternoon. The logical reason behind this is, rice is a complex carbohydrate and takes ages to digest, which makes them feel sleepy.
Fernweh –
The word has originated from Germany. The word shows the longing towards any place. This word is suitable for travel buffs. In German ‘fern’ means ‘far’ and ‘weh’ means ‘sore’ or ‘sick’. Therefore, the word translates to ‘far sickness’, which can simply be said to the ones who like traveling or staying out of their home town for a maximum of the period. The opposite of this word in English will be ‘homesickness.’
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Firgun –
Firgun is an informal Hebrew term and concept in Israeli culture. The term shows unselfish nature. It is an emotion of true happiness for others. There is no presence of negativity in the concept of firgun. For example, the feeling of parents for their child to score well in the exam for all the efforts they have put in it.
Dormiveglia –
It is an Italian word, meaning sleepy mornings. We all must have experienced in our life the pain of sleepy mornings or sleepless nights where we are nearly asleep but not quite. The state of half asleep or semi-conscious.
Dapjeongneo –
It is a Korean word. The word is used by the person who is asking a question and is already prepared with the answer but waits for the second person to answer the same. It is a recently created word, which is not used as an official word also depicts women’s behavior.
Cafune –
It is a Portuguese word. It shows the action of a sweet gesture of running your hands through a loved one’s hair. We all have experienced this from our family, friends, and others close to us.
Komorebi –
It is a Japanese word which means, the rays of the sun coming through the leaves or simply saying the filtered rays. It is a beautiful and positive word.
Extrawunsch –
It is a German word which is useful for denoting an action which is taking too much time, without any complications. It can happen due to the fussy nature of someone.
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