Young and restless? Impatient women age faster

For young women who seek longevity and youth, a little patience can help you live longer, a new study suggests.
Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) found that young Chinese women, who were usually impatient grown old faster than others , who were patient.
They found that the cells of the impatient young women age faster than their peers more patient, as characterized by shorter leukocyte telomeres.
This new study is the first link to a major determinant of the decision making such as impatience of a molecular marker for cell aging in humans.
The researchers worked with a sample of 1,158 healthy Chinese students. To determine the participants degree of impatience, the researchers used an economic game of behavior known as ‘Delay Discounting. ‘
Participants ere asked to choose between receiving $ 100 a day, or larger reward and participants, who chose gratification previously were regarded as impatient. Researchers measured telomere length leukocyte participants – plugs at the end of each strand of DNA that protect the chromosome.