World’s Youngest Billionaire

Forbes 2014 has listed 42 new female billionaires from all over the world which reveals the youngest one being from Hong Kong.
The secretive 24 year old Perenna Kei recently took the title replacing 29 year- old Facebook co- founder Dustin Moskovitz.
Perenna Kei’s wealth is inherited; not self –made. Her father, Ji Haipeng, is the chairman and CEO of Logan property holdings where she is currently a non- executive director. Kei’s wealth increased when Logan Property Holdings was listed on the Hong Kong exchange in December, 2013.
Kei’s net worth comes out to $ 1.3 billion, owing to eighty- five percent stake in her father’s company. However, she is the sole owner of Dragon Jubilee Investments, Gao Run Holdings and Thrine Ally, holding liquid assets of $ 6.5 billion. These are the investment companies based in the British Virgin Islands.
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Perenna Kei’s picture has not been revealed yet. She holds a graduate degree in Economics and Finance from University of London.
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