Joyous News

World Heart Day

World Heart Day

29th September is celebrated as World’s heart day every year to inform people about prevention and causes of the heart diseases across the globe. Every year the event theme reflects different issues regarding the heart. This year’s theme is about creating a heart healthy environment. Here are some facts about the heart to make you more aware about the heart structure and its functionality. Hopefully, this understanding will enable you to take better care of the heart.

The heart is the most significant organ in the body. It functions continuously to pump blood in our body. It is a living dynamic community of millions of hard working cells. The heart beats about 2.5 billion times in an average human lifetime and never takes a break.

World Heart Day

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Do you know when most of the heart attacks occur?

Most of the heart attacks occur in the early morning between 2to 4 am and are much more severe than those that happen during the day. It is called ventricular fibrillation, which happens due to a spike in stress hormones leading to rapid irregular heartbeats.The following steps can be followed to reduce the risks of heart attacks:

Get a good night sleep: Aim for seven to eight hours sleep,as an inadequate sleep may result in electrical abnormalities of the heart leading to a sudden cardiac attack in the morning.

Don’t skip your morning workout:Skipping your morning workout is a bad idea. A simple workout in the morning can do wonders for the heart.


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Some common symptoms that make you prone to having a heart attack are:
• Sleep apnea
• Obesity
• Snoring
• Difficulty in breathing

The theme of this year’s heart day reflects on how we can have a heart healthy environment. Often all heart problems are attributed to the individual’s lifestyle but the environment around us plays a vital role in many heart diseases. This year’s theme aims to generate awareness about the same.

World Heart Day

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Here are some choices you can make to improve your environment for better heart care:

At Home:
Watch less television: Most of the cardiovascular diseases arise due to the inactivity in human beings and when you watch television you do very less physical activity which leads to a high risk of heart diseases.

Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet: By incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet your intake of cholesterol will decrease which will eventually decrease the risk of heart strokes.

Don’t smoke at your home: If you quit smoking at your home you will not only improve your health but that of your children too.

• You can use the staircase instead of the lift
• You can try cycling with family and friends

World Heart Day

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“Healthy eating habits are very crucial, try to substitute more fruits and vegetables in your diet and I highly recommend morning exercise”, says Dr. Arun Jain

So, on this 29TH September, take a pledge to be more heart friendly by following some simple measures to ensure a healthier heart and a healthier life.

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