World Autism Awareness Day at Vasant Vihar

World Autism Awareness Day at Vasant Vihar
On the occasion of World Autism Awareness day, People had come together to take part in raising awareness amongst people, through an muical and informative event.
People from all ages and all walks of life, came together to support, encourage and to make a difference. In the mic sessions, special children sang beautifully on songs like ‘galiyaan’ which showed how talented they are and how far can they go, if given a chance.
“Just because they are differently able that doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. We shouldn’t ignore them, and talk to them the way they understand and try to understand them. It might be hard for us, but it might be harder for them.” said Preeti from Lalit Mahajan SVM School,Vasant Vihar, on the occasion
“People are blessed to be different, these differences are called talents and so are differently abled people.” Was Prashyan’s view on it, and who is a student of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vasant Vihar
Apart from encouraging them and recognize their talents, we should also give them the platform to showcase their talents.
“Every Autistic child has a flame, which requires a matchstick to light the candle.” Says Tashika from Chinmaya Vidyalaya
“They aren’t much different from us, they need more care, more attention, and most importantly, more love.” -says Nandini
“Our friends who are differently abled, feel shy to make an eye contact with us, but their smiles speak a lot”- Shirish, from Chinmaya Vidyalaya who is just 12 years old, yet has the love and compassion than most of the adults.
Abha Sinha, who is a special educator for differently abled, told OWN, “Special children need care and attention in two to three areas communication, co-ordination and socialization. By using different techniques like using Flash Cards, storytelling we can teach them just like we do to other children. It also depends on the levels, just like different levels of coaching in any other school. Through these different techniques, they excel in different areas and the talents in them are immense.
I myself am a parent of a slow learning, yet special child. I was so much interested in the techniques while attending the practical sessions. It was then; I decided to become a specialist. So my child is my inspiration to do this.”
And you are inspiration for all of us to do something worthwhile. OWN wishes, that everyone should acknowledge accept and motivate, people with special needs to make this world a beautiful place.