Why Sci–Fi Movies?

Why Sci–Fi Movies?
Planet of the Apes (1968), Star Wars Clone Wars (1977), The Terminator (1984) and Avatar (2009) are some of the scientific-fictional movies which still hold their craze among the fans worldwide. Sci-Fi movies are a combination of science and fiction which consists of several unnatural elements like extra-terrestrial life forms, aliens and time-travel phenomena. The craze for this genre of movies is mostly seen in Hollywood but gradually, it is gaining popularity in Bollywood too. This genre got recognition when Georges Melie’s ‘A Trip to the Moon’ (1902) astounded the audiences with its trick and extra-effects used in photography. The first feature length science fiction movie was ‘Metropolis’ (1927) and the genre consisted of mainly low budget B-movies from 1930’s to 1950’s.
Picture Link : http://bit.ly/1q1XxSk
After 1968, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’, sci-fi by Stanley Kubrick, was taken more seriously. The generation has changed and so has the taste for the entertainment world. It has shown its audiences different genre movies from drama to romance, comedy to action and from fiction to non-fiction.
The youth of India is very spontaneous, excited and outspoken about the entertainment world. So, here are few of those enthusiastic youth who shared their perspective regarding the sci-fi movies.
“I love watching sci-fi movies as they are very distinctive, especially the super powers that the actors possess. These genres of movies are very exciting as they take us to another world which we can just dream of,” said Dharmil Shanishwara, 23, Computer Engineer.
Somesh Sehrawat, 18, a B-Tech student said, “Sci-fi movies are fascinating and they add a different taste to the Bollywood movies.”
Picture Link : http://bit.ly/YCMbv5
Deepa Verma, 20, a BCA student from IP University said, “I am not a great fan of sci-fi movies but then, I do not even dislike them as they are a good time pass with no such relation to the real world.”
Umesh Shankar, 17, a student said, “No, I do not admire sci-fi movies because they are completely hypothetical, waste of time and ‘out-of-the-world’ sort which has nothing to do with the real world.”
Just give a look at the amazing answers we got when asked by people about an unnatural power that they would love to possess:
Out of ten, six people desired to possess the powers that Mr. India had: the ability to be invisible. The reason to choose this ‘power’ was for their personal benefits but one who was different among them was Umesh Shankar as he said, “I would love to possess the powers that Mr. India had and work like a whistle-blower for my country by informing them about the terrorist activities.”
Does sci-fi movie help in personality development? Why do children like this genre of movies and many such questions were answered by few Psychologists:
Picture Link : http://bit.ly/1BEZBFU
Dr. Amrisha Ahuja, a Psychologist and Hypnotherapist who works at The Healing Island, New Delhi since last three years answered:
Why do children like sci-fi movies?
Children live in their imaginary world and the sci-fi films are just an extension for the same. For them, everything is possible and they tend to catch a glimpse of it on the big screen.
What do you have to say about the accidents that occurred for Shaktiman in India?
It is important to help children realize the difference between reality and fantasy world in such a way that that their feelings are not hurt. Parental guidance is extremely important over all kinds of soaps and drama, the children watch on television.
Does sci-fi movie help in personality development?
Yes, they do. Just like we idealize our Gods and Deities, a sci-fi film’s super hero projects a similar influence on a child’s psyche (mind). Children usually relate themselves to the super hero and try to acquire their skills. These movies also help them distinguish between who they would want to be known as and which villain in the movie they would not like to associate with. Hence, it gives them a chance to shape their personality more like a prosaic human.
Picture Link : http://bit.ly/1uZQ76D
Dr. Dherandra Kumar, Clinical and a Child Psychologist in Apollo Hospital said:
What are the pros and cons of watching these movies?
Pros: It instills hope, increases imagination and develops risk taking abilities by trying new solutions.
Cons: At times children fail to discriminate their imagination and it may lead to dangers.
Why boys are mostly attracted to these movies and not girls?
It might be the cultural biasness. Boys are more inclined towards technical gadgets and girls are exposed more towards relationship oriented things. This tendency is also reflected in their choice of game like boys like cars, guns and girls love to play more with dolls, etc.
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