Why it is difficult to ‘Let it Go’

It is difficult to let go a person, who was once your life because it is difficult to forget all the beautiful memories that you both spent together. And if you are not able to get over that person, trust me you are not alone.
I think we all are guilty of holding on to an ex for too long. But it is important to make right decision at the right time. Once broken you should accept the fact and move on because false hope can ruin your future.
Here are few points that show that your relationship has not yet over.
• You are still friends. The best way to move on is to cut all the contacts with that person.
• You still see him or her everyday that makes you weak and doesn’t allow you to move on.
• People don’t know that you have parted of your ways.
• You are constantly in touch with her / his family members.
• Jealousy is still the factor; you can’t see her or him with another person and behaves overdramatically over the issue.
It is good to have hopes but remember that hopes can ruin your future life. If you will get stuck at your past, you won’t be able to create new memories.