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Why is Sound Sleep important for well – being of immune system?

Here is why sound sleep is important for well- being of immune system

We keep on reading stuffs about the importance of sleep. Yet most of us choose work over sleep, and lack of sound sleep makes us sick. Today, we will discuss that why is sound sleep important for every individual? According to findings of a study, if lack of sound sleep is making you sick then may be your immune system.

How to boost your immune system?
How to boost your immune system?

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According to reports, Researchers from University of Washington health Sciences in the U.S found that all the participants with shorter sleep had a depressed immune system. Notably, immune system works properly only when it gets enough sleep and according to science, seven or more hours of sleep in recommended for optimal health.

The researchers from University of Washington cited data from the Centers for Disease Control, and said over the past century people in US are sleeping 1.5 hours or two hours less than the estimated time, and about one –third of working population is sleeping less than six hours.

According to study, sleep deprived people are more exposed to virus and other diseases. So to stay healthy it is important to take good sleep.

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Apart from having a good sleep, here are few natural ways to boost your immune system

    1. Catch some sunrays : It is important for all of us to take some Vitamin D because sunlight triggers the skin’s production of Vitamin D. A 10 -15 minute sun exposure everyday can boost your immune system.
    2. Include Garlic in your diet: Garlic is a natural immune booster. Because heat deactivates a key active ingredient. So add it to food before serving.
6- 8 hours sleep is advisable for people
6- 8 hours sleep is advisable for people
  1. Drink a lot of water: One should drink at least 8- 10 glass of water every day. This improves digestion and boosts our immune system.
  2. Say NO to Alcohol: If you really want to boost your immunity, it is always advisable that you should consume less alcohol.
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Parul Srivastava

She likes to express herself through her write-ups. She doesn’t believe in doing different things but she enjoy doing things differently.
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