Whites at greater risk of heart disease than Asians in US

In a comprehensive study of more than 1.3 million people in Northern California that stretched over 10 years, researchers found that blacks, Latinos and Asians had a lower risk of coronary heart disease compared with the whites.
Blacks, Latinos and Asians with no previous history of coronary disease had lower risk of coronary heart disease than whites regardless of who also had diabetes, the team found.
The cohort of 1,344,899 members ethnic composition was 64 percent white (868.301 members), 14 percent of Asia (190.439 members), 13 percent of Latinos (169.886 members) and 9 percent of black (116.273 members).
Members were between 30 to 90 years, including men and women, and were followed from 2002 to 2012.
Among the members with coronary disease without diabetes, blacks had slightly increased risk compared with whites future heart disease.
However, no such increased risk was observed in the highest risk group with a history of both heart disease and diabetes.
Latinos had no difference in risk compared with whites in both groups, and Asians had decreased risk