The age at which a girl gets her first period is known as “menarche”. Findings have proved that successes and failures in a woman’s life date back to their individual menarche.
Around the world, the average age of a menarche has drastically changed. Researchers have concluded that the new average menarche age is 12.5 years whereas in the mid 19th century it was 17 years. This trend is spread across all possible countries from the United States to most of Europe, India plus rest of the world.
Explanation of this change includes various theories. Some say it’s due to chemicals and toxins in the environment and food which have direct impacts on our hormones. But the main reason stated is the amount of body fat in our diets. More body fat means early puberty – a body’s way indicating that it’s ready to carry a child.
The fat matters because it not only distorts mental health, but also links to a host of psychological and social changes. Girls become more prone to eating disorders and depressions.
For instance, an 11 year old hits puberty and starts looking like a 16 year old; the treatment she gets is supposed to be that of a 16 year old’s and that directly affects the mind and doesn’t give it the required space to grow and evolve.
The solutions cannot be given in the form of a magical bean and resolve it at once. It has to be taken care of in the family itself and during parental monitoring, especially if a girl is going through it early. Combating fattening diets and childhood obesity is number one priority and then comes helping the child adapt to needed social changes.