We desperately want our ‘Me’ time!

Why living alone is a big taboo for Indian women? If a man can stay alone and can handle everything on his own then why can’t a woman?
The main reason behind it is that, we are not taught how to stay alone and how to handle things alone. At every stage of our life, why we need a man to guide us?
Before marriage our father decides everything for us. From choosing with whom to spend rest of the life to handling our finances he does everything for us. Then with the passage of time our brother takes that place and then finally our husband.
Being an individual we all hold different opinions and are free to express it, but just because our culture, tradition and value don’t allow us to do so, we stop trying.
Do you know modern India has 71 million single women? The result clearly shows that India women are raising their voice and are simply choosing to live alone.
Our life is not just meant for doing all domestic works. In fact, we all have some ambitions and dreams and modern women are leaving no stone unturned to fulfill them.
Yes, we can get our cars insured; we know where to invest money and can even raise children alone and yes we desperately need our ‘Me’ time , where we feel free to read books, travel and hang out with our friends.