Ways To Get That Natural Blush!

Ways To Get That Natural Blush!
We often use make-up to have those rosy pink cheeks. But make- up cannot compete with natural looks. Also, the constant use of chemicals on skin can have adverse effects on your skin in the long run.
Then how you can get that natural blush?
To have those beautiful glowing red cheeks you have to first to do some preliminary preparations:
Your skin needs to be cleansed and exfoliated to get that natural glow after which your rosy cheeks look bright on white and clear skin. For that you can grind a cucumber and mix it with milk, honey and lemon juice.
Explore the benefits of natural products.Source
So, here are some steps you can follow to have a natural blush every day.
• One of the easiest ways to get rosy pink cheeks: You can apply vegetable juice. Beetroot mixed with a sugar crystals can be kept on the cheeks for about 15 minutes. Washing it away with plain water will give a glow to your skin internally.
• Pomegranate and grape juice can also applied instead of the beetroot juice. Apply it on your skin and wash it off with plain water, this would leave the pink pigment on your cheeks.
• Cleansing cheeks with apple cider vinegar or either using red wine can also help you get that natural blush. Pat cotton soaked with vinegar on your skin until it’s dry.
“I have a hectic schedule and I hardly get time to take care of my skin. Applying makeup regularly has side effects on my skin but to maintain that glow on your face is also important. So, I decided to use apple cider vinegar. I applied it regularly for 21 days and now I apply it every weekend and trust me it has wonderful effects”, says Aditi Kaushik
Have rosy cheeks.Source
• Dry rose or Hibiscus petals paste: Apply gently on your face and then wipe it off when it gets dry. This would leave a rosy effect on your face for the whole day.
“Best of the best brands use rose petals for manufacturing their cosmetics and just think of using them at home in a pure form. I use it myself, it not only helps my skin to glow but it is also very effective in controlling the ageing process”, says Sangeeta Kaur.
• Massaging your face with your fingertips is also a good idea. This would stimulate blood circulation to your face. Use a lotion or baby oil for the massage.
If you also want that blush every day, just go natural and have that instant glow in the comfort of your home.