Types Of Employees At Work!

Types of Employees at Work!
Our workplace is often our favorite place in the world because we spend our maximum time in the office with our colleagues. Between lots of work, we usually pull out time to enjoy those small moments like during the lunch break.
While working we come across different types of employees in the office. No, two employees can be same right? Here are few types of employees, just check out in which category do you fall?
Perfectionist, Source
• Mr. /Ms. Perfectionist: Someone who never compromises with the work. They would take care of every little thing associated with their work. From their work presentation to even their desk, everything would be efficiently managed. Tireless and unremitting, they are extremely dedicated to their work, despitethe criticism they face from their co- workers.
Idea Box, Source
• The Idea Box: They will be the ones, who will always buzz out with new ideas and thoughts. They love to come up with new and innovative ideas. They think big and at the same time they think differently. But sometimes, they miss out on very fine details while looking into the bigger picture.
problem solvers, Source
• The problem solvers: They are the happiest employees in the office because they themselves remain in tension all the time. They also solve the problems of others as well. They give solutions to everyone in the office.
“I have an office mate, she is just fantastic while giving solutions to everyone. Be it a serious problem or a wearied one, she can solve them in seconds”, says Kaniskha.
Disturbing element, Source
• Disturbing element: I am sure you would definitely find some disturbing employee in the office. Who always remains impatient and are always late in completing their work. They also do not let others complete their work on time, as they have lots of issues related to their work and life. They can be toxic to their mates. They usually lag behind the deadlines, report late and create trouble for everyone.
• The materialist: They are the most interesting employees because they only work for the salary. They hardly care what’s going on in the office, they just ensure that their work should be completed at the end of the day.
“These type of employees usually lack motivation because they think money is the only incentive so, they never come up with new ideas but still their superior can try to motivate them by appreciating them when they do good work”, says Anandita Srivastava, employee at Mahindra Tech Satyam.
I am sure you would also have these colleagues right? They might irritate you sometimes but I am sure you would have never enjoyed your working hours in their absence.