Top 10 foods that will keep you warm this winter!

Here are top 10 foods that will keep you warm this winter, take a look!
Winters are indeed a great season and most of us love it. Isn’t it? From last few days, Delhi is witnessing blood freezing winters and there is no hope of getting relieve from it. So, we have to take precautions as well to keep ourselves warm from inside. Winters are good for one more reason, as you can try delicious dishes. You don’t have to worry about your digestion. As temperature has dropped in most parts of North India and city life is engulfed by fog, the drive to venture out of the cosy confines of your home becomes a task. So, here is the list of foods that can help you stay warm this winter.
So, here are some foods that you should include in your meal to keep yourself warm from inside:
- Garlic:Yes, garlic is best food in winters and it not only adds flavour to food, but also keepsus warm. Known for keeping cholesterol in check, the anti-bacterial properties in Garlic can help you keep at bay common cold, cough and other illnesses during winter. You can add minimum amount of garlic in your food it will be beneficial for you.
- Nuts: Dry fruits are best friends in winters. Soaked almonds should be given to the school or college going students that will keep them warm. Almonds, walnuts, cashews, and what not, nuts are your rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and fibres. So, increase nuts in your food.
- Eggs: Egg is healthy and delicious too. Egg keep you warm in winters always. An egg a day can keep your body warm and energetic. Dish out an omelette, eat it boiled, or scrambled or anything of your choice. Make anything of eggs. At least eat in thrice a week in winters.
- Ginger:If you love to cook food then you must aware of ginger garlic paste. This paste give rich taste to your food and also keep you warm in killing winters. Like garlic, this integral component of most Indian foods is another way of keeping your body in check. Add it while cooking food, or eat it raw, make a cup of ginger tea or soup, ginger’s medicinal properties will let you be warm and strong.

- Honey: Honey has a lot of benefits but it is best known for keeping one warm in winters. Try to inculcate the habit of drinking honey water in winters. Considered as the best antidote to cure cold and cough, honey keeps your winter blues away by acting as a big anti-depressant. Also, being low on the calorie scale, you can have it with tea or warm milk.
- Cinnamon:India is known for itsrich herbs and cinnamon is one of them. While spices add a certain warmth to the freezing body, over consumption might not be as good for your health. But cinnamon is one such spice which can be consumed in mild quantities to shield you from the dropping temperatures. Cinnamon powder can be added in the food and soup. You can even make cinnamon tea in winters.
- Jaggery: Considered a healthier alternative to the regular sugar, Jaggery adds a different flavor to your sweet dishes. Not only that, it is also a good aid to keep the body warm when consumed in a sweet dish or mixed with ginger. Jaggery is best use in sweet dishes and it keep you warm from the inside.

- Legumes and whole grains: A good source of proteins legumes help in keeping the metabolic rate high. Meanwhile, whole grains are the best source of keeping your body clock under check and give body the necessary warmth when it’s cold. Dals are rich in protein so one should include Dals in their diet.
- Turmeric: This is another one of the famous India’s herb. Your dishes always remain incomplete without turmeric. Turmeric milk is best that you can have it in winters. Another readily available household item in all the households, turmeric has much more use than just being an added flavor to every cooked food. Its medicinal properties help in relieving the pain from body. So, next time, you have flu or body pain, add a dash of turmeric to a glass of warm milk and drink it with ease.

- Soups: Tomato soups are best that you can have in winters. It also increases your haemoglobin rate. Soups are indeed delicious and help you to keep warm. They are not only healthier during the days when you have limited workout but are a great to keep your body light and energetic. Add any vegetables or proteins or even your favourite bowl of noodles, soups are the most easy-to-do food in less time.
Enjoy the perk of these foods, you will surely love it!