Tips to make everyday a good skin day

Simple skincare tips to turn everyday into a good skin day
Skin care tips:
- Get Clean
- Use a concealer if needed
- Cover it up
- Smile

If you want everything to be perfect for your fresher’s party, convocation day, or even for your relative’s wedding, here are some tips to make your skin glow. But what if you wake up to a nasty surprise a pimple, right in the middle of your face? So, don’t let that stop you. Here are few tips to make everyday a good skin day
Get clean: In morning wash your face with a face wash that has pimple. Fighting ingredients neem and lemon also to helps in keeping pimple at bay. It can help to prevent spreading germs and increase your redness.
Use a concealer if needed: These can be great to mask spots on your face. Green concealers were designed precisely to balance out the redness of your pimple. So, apply it directly to your spot.
Cover it up: No one wants to walk out of the house without cover it, green spots all over their face. For more coverage, apply an oil free foundation that matches your skin tone. Remember to blot with lose powder, so your makeup won’t slide off oily skin.
Smile: Want to draw attention away from your pimple? Flash those pearly whites never blot a tiny blemish stop you from having a great day.
If you want brighter skin, it is very important to take care of the various aspects of skin care.
Get enough sleep: Sleeping at least 7hours each night refreshes your skin. This is your nap part of your anti-aging skin care treatment. Make sure you are off the phone for at least 30 minutes before go to bed, and you fall asleep much more quickly.

Use sun scream: Sun scream is very important for your anti-aging skin. Use sun scream every day even when it’s cloudy. Sun scream is a key in anti aging skin care.
Anti-Aging Simple tips:
- Maintain a healthy diet including a lot of row veggies and fruits, avoid oily and junk food.
- Always keep you face clean. This helps in keeping away excessive oiliness and acne.
- Good diet keep fit. Good health reflects in the skin.
- Avoid bad habits like smoking for they definitely contribute to dull, dry and aged skin.
- You can also follow a few of our simple home remedies for anti ageing.
Tips for moisturizing:
Moisturizing plays a vital role in skin care. Keep it hydrated and preventing it from redness or flaking. It also helps you prevent the early signs of ageing.
If you have an oily skin, it doesn’t mean that your skin gets enough nourishment from the oil produced. Pick a good gel based moisturizing and use it regularly.
Wrinkless\ anti ageing Everybody grows older and with age, the skin loses its elasticity leaving you with those hideous wrinkles that give away your age.