Tips To Keep Stress At Bay

Mickey Mehta: India’s leading Holistic Health Guru, bestows
The world today has molded itself into an unstoppable never-ending race. There is competition for everything that has value. We remain sole participants thriving to accomplish what we believe should be ours. But there were those olden times when the flag would go green at the inception of employment or at least post education; fortunately or unfortunately, today, the whistle goes off unbelievably at the announcement of birth!
Children are taught to compete and beat the others in school, sports, extra-curricular activities etc and so have we become individuals who are habituated to only defeat the second to become the first. The whole ideology is quite irritating because we have made our lives, our success dependent on others. If he scores an A, I want to score an A+; If he has got promoted, I need to get too. Why are we competing with others, when we are our own competitors, not to come first or get promoted but to develop as individuals, grow as humans and expand by challenging our potentials.
The real reason in sharing the above two paragraphs is here: the consequence or effects of being a part of an infinite competition that may actually leave us with disappointments. Most of us want to look good and we attempt various weight loss programs to fit in those beautiful outfits, but why is it that today we only seem to be giving importance to the outer self and not to what we are growing to become each day from the inside. You may achieve your desired body weight undergoing ruthless programs and crash dieting and you may be happy at once for reaching your ultimate goal, but at what cost? That is the question.
Many individuals today are willing to go to extents to become the ideal weight they should be with vigorous efforts not realizing that health as whole isn’t completely dependent upon the number of kilos you lose, but in fact the way you feel about yourself, the kind of positivity that embraces you, the enthusiasm with which you wake up in the morning, the ability to solve hurdles calmly and patiently, the will to face new challenges, the mannerisms to smile and greet everyone, the way you feel happy from within. These are all components of enhanced well-being which are lost in the smoke of a stressful race.
Our lifestyle has shaped our atmosphere to be absolutely stressful with heaps of tensions regarding what assignments to be submitted, what project to be delivered, which presentation needs to be presented and how and so on. Our mind is clogged with anxiety and fear 24/7 for delivering the best at all times. There is no room for relaxation and calmness. The number of hours we used to sleep compared to now, are two poles. Our brain is constantly stimulated to think, think and re-think. There is no rest. This over-burdening pressure of standing strong to all challenges gradually tires you off, unhappiness paves in when there is dissatisfaction at work with tantrums and irritated behavior to vent off the anger at home spreading negativity which has been building and nurturing itself to burst out, first occasionally followed by every single day.
This changes the environment we live in, crushes our peace of mind and we lose the ability to deal with challenges as we succumb to the dramatic pressures.
The need of the hour is not to lose kilos, which is ideally of prime importance if your health condition demands, but more so, being happy relaxed peaceful and stress free is your key towards an overall well-being. So what can be done to ensure your mind is at peace to ensure better productivity and output from your end?
Following are simple tips that can be practiced everyday without hampering your busy schedules:
Begin your day with a smile no matter how exhausted you are with last night’s work because this small gesture can change every negative into a positive.
Greet everyone and have at least one meal with the entire family.
Communicate, share and discuss advices suggestions thoughts with others in the family.
Take a one minute break after every 2-3 hours of work and concentrate to infinity mindlessly. Give your brain rest to bounce back for the next 2-3 hours.
When in a problem, breath, sit down and think calmly, solutions will come to you because haste always makes waste.
Sleep for at least 6 hours every day.
Practice activities such as yogasanas and power yoga which focus on rejuvenating and reviving you from those gunny bags on your shoulders.
Indulge in other recreational activities such as aerobics swimming walking cycling calisthenics group activities etc that divert your mind towards relaxation. Above activities will not just help you calm your mind but also help in fat loss
Diet plays an essential role in controlling moods and behavior since our brain relies on carbohydrates (glucose) as a source of energy. Skipping meals due to a busy day will reduce your ability to concentrate and make you dull disturbing your thinking power. On the other hand too heavy of a meal will make you sluggish. Hence appropriate portioning, quality and quantity of food, are directly proportionate to your performance.
Last but not the least, give yourself 5 minutes every night to introspect and re-live the entire day you spent believing that tomorrow will be better and a few mistakes I did today, will not be repeated.
The above may sound like a miniscule to do list, but let’s pause for a moment and ask ourselves whether we actually perform/act or do things like these? And since we don’t, we are often depressed, unhappy with stress hovering around our heads. Lets us avoid these consequences and indulge in these little activities that might just enhance our lifestyle by transforming our well-being to a more productively happier one!
Mickey Mehta, has been India’s leading Holistic Guru over the past 30 years. His contribution in bringing in the many International Beauty Pageants to India is revolutionary of sorts. With a client list which includes top business honchos and ace Bollywood stars, his programs and methods of combating the pressures of life is something to reckon with.
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