Tips for Developing Good Relationship your Kids

The child-dad relationship is an intricate affair and to understand it is one of the most difficult jobs.
Here are few effective tips that will strengthen the bondage between kids and their dads.
Don’t compare with other kids:
According to the psychologists of the University of California said that it is good for dads not to compare their children with other kids. Understand your child and remember every child is unique and different and no two children are alike. Admire and encourage the qualities of your kid and leave no occasion to appreciate him.
Thank God for what you have:
Be grateful for what you have. Be thankful to the Almighty and spend some time with yourself in solitude. Be happy that you are what you are and you have for what has been bestowed on you.
Challenge yourself everyday:
Set challenges for yourself and keep yourself engrossed and absorbed with routine activities.
This will surely sharpen your brain and will cultivate new skills while you take care of your little child.
Learn from your Hardships:
Plan different strategies to help you easily tackle stress and obstacles. Learn from your hardships and toughen yourself both emotionally and physically.
Stay Active Physically:
Keeping fit and healthy is very important for you so look after your health too. Play games with your kids and keep yourself agile and active. Do not sit in one corner and watch kids play, be a part of their games. They will love your active participation.
Follow a healthy lifestyle:
A healthy lifestyle is essential for your health, both mental and physical. Eat healthy balanced diet and follow a healthy lifestyle such as proper sleep, eating right, meditation, etc.
Strengthen emotional bond with your child:
Fred Van Deusen, the Senior Research Associate at the Boston College Center for Work & Family, the emotional bondage between dad and kids help them nurture a strong and viable relationship. This renewed performance will acts as buffer in the stressful environment.
Oneworldnews-the e-magazine wishes happy parenting to all dads!