Time to avoid period cramps!

Period cramps are one of the most irritating part of the cycle for the girls. Those dreaded period cramps doesn’t necessarily have to take over your life on the first day or two days of your period.
Whether you have mildly painful or traumatizing, can’t-go-to- work cramps, there are some easy ways to deal with them.
We have come up with the solutions to avoid these cramps. Some of them may sound a little crazy ,but trust us, they work.
Have a look:-
1. Pour Yourself a Glass Of Wine
2. Get Massaging – Massaging your tummy can help relax your muscles and
lessen the pain.
3. Lie In The Fetal Position
There is a reason why babies love this sleeping position, it’s
super comforting and relaxing.
4. Indulge in Some Aromatherapy
Lie in a soothing bath with a few drops of essential oils added
to it or get a massage with an essential oil.
5.Kiss Coffee Goodbye
If you’re prone to severe cramps, then definitely cut down your
intake of coffee and caffeine.
6. Get Moving
Exercising is probably the last thing you feel like doing, but it
can really, really help. Get moving – go for a jog, an aerobics
class or try some yoga stretches.
Try this it will surely help you out ladies!