Third Eye: First Anniversary Celebration

Third Eye: First Anniversary Celebration
Delhi saw a star-studded evening at Club Third eye, this Monday. Some of the most well known personalities from media came together to celebrate the anniversary of the club and also the birthday of Sudhir Nagar.
Personalities like Nimai Bali, with his wife and former Miss India and actress Sahila Chadha and daughter, Princess, attended the event. Mr. Bali told us: “It is such a rocking place. It is really spacious and has great ambiance. I love to come here whenever I get the chance.”
Actor HimanshKohli attended the event with his friends and seemed to enjoy the evening. On the occasion, Tehrima Zaki, who was looking beautiful as ever, tells us, “I was here when Third Eye was born, and I’m here when it’s one year old. I connect with this place and feel safe.”
Ashok Mastie, the famous Punjabi pop singer was looking dashing in his classic black attire!
Anupam, a businessman,says, “There is nothing which is not crazy about Third Eye.”
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Amongst the guests, Rakesh Sawant, director and brother of RakhiSawant was also a part of the party.
The guests were welcomed with shots and then the red carpet took us to the main event were the party was going on, in full throttle. Samsher Mehndi, famous Punjabi Singer and brother of Daler Mehndi sang a few lines for Sudhir on the occasion.
Some of the other famous guests that made the party more happening were brothers Gautam and Mohit Gulati, who are very close friends to Sudhir.
Many famous personalities and media people were a part of the celebration. The place itself made the whole party vibrant, with its polished décor, to the LED roofs on the dance-floor, to the James Bond themed party.
VandanaBadera who was looking stunning, said that she comes to the Third Eye often, and she feels it is like the Third eye of Shiva. Delicious food, refreshing drinks, and transient music make this place “rocking!”
After some food, drinks and socializing, we came to the dance-floor, where people were swaying to brilliant music, both Hollywood and Bollywood.
The place had amazing hospitality. The staff was polite, courteous and friendly. There were brilliant appetizers, from shrimps to salmon crackers and Nachos to mini Pita pockets. The whole evening was echoing with laughter, fun, dancing, anecdotes, music, food-chatter and intimacy.
Overall, the event was a huge success and left people with happy memories and even happier times.
Picture Credits : Kuldeep Pundhir
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