Things guys should learn about sex

Things guys should learn about sex
To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth — I count that something of a miracle- Henry Miller
There is a lot to explore, a lot to invent, a lot still to do in bed when it comes to sex. A lot of men out there believe that its women who need to learn and explore about sex, however the truth is that men need to learn the basic things about sex. What they can be? Read on to know:
Don’t be afraid: Sex is a process which grows intense and beautiful when you voice yourself. A little communication here and there does help but also if you boldly talk about what you want whether it’s a blow job, hand job or sharing your fantasies, the position you want to explore or anything else, things can go better for you and also, for your partner.
Make eye contact: It is true that girls feel shy while making eye contact during making love however the romance goes on to another level if you try and keep your eye contact intact. You may giggle, you may laugh but remember that you are making a memory. Especially, when you are taking her clothes off her body, keep looking into her eyes so that she doesn’t feel shy. Also, when your girl is giving you a blow job make sure you make her realize that you are with her in that moment through your eyes. So, the next time when she goes down on you, you know what to do.
Change position: Girls like it when you reveal the animal side in you, so never be afraid to reveal that side of yours. Grab her from the waist and change your position when you think it’s the time to be aanimal. Bite her neck; leave a mark to signify that you believe she is yours, for now and forever. You can chose where you want to plant the bite, we leave that to you. You could also get on top, hold her hands, and caress her tits with your tongue.
Cuddle: You know what! It’s okay if you want to cuddle, be cozy, be lovey-dovey with your partner, and stop feeling that you will be called a woman if you behave this way. You have to know that girls like it when you express, so the next time you want to make love to her, do what you want to do. If you want to cuddle while you both are naked, just wrap your legs around her (if she is on top) or wrap your arms around her if she is lying on your side. Use your tongue to lick her neck and shoulders or chest and ear lobes.
Brush off insecurities: You may have a big penis or a small one, be secure about anything till you can make your women go crazy for you. Insecurities would never work in a good direction when you are making love; it’s only when you feel, you give feeling to the other partner. So, brush off insecurities.
Desc: Men need to learn the basic things about sex. What they can be? Read on to know more.