A spoken word carries immeasurable significance and has an incredible power in our lives.
The Universe was created with a word, Jesus healed and cast out demons with a word, Guru Nanak symbolised all faiths with a word..EKOMKAR..empire/rulers have risen and fallen by their words. And even in the present technological age politics, education, business and relationships center on words.
The tongue is a very powerful force for good or evil tools. It provides us with a vehicle for expressing or sharing our thoughts, experiences, emotions, views, intentions and much more. Sometimes we do not realize that words we habitually use can actually effect what we experience.
I firmly believe that if we take control of our vocabulary we can change the quality of our life and the resultant change in how we think, feel and live. It is interesting how different people can experience the same situation or sensation differently by virtue of how they put it in words…one could feel ‘frustrated’ and the other ‘a little confused’. This amounts to a huge difference in our lives and behaviour.
The words we attach to our experiences BECOME our experience regardless of whether it is objectively true or not.
Therefore if we want to change our lives and destiny we need to consciously choose our words…look at this difference in a thought or response……….How are you? Response..I’m okay, I guess…and the other…Im feeling on top of the world.