The cut off game

Cut off for admissions in the Delhi University have been set soaring high for the year 2014, even the ones who scored as high as 95% in their board exams seem to bear the brunt of the move. Since, FYUP has been rolled back, the number of seats in honours courses are less which made the cut offs go even higher this time round. With the average students not even dreaming of Delhi University, this cut off game has now brought the toppers under the same roof.
“I have got 95% but still I have not made to it to north campus for B.Com (hons), even after the second cut off. I just hope that I get it in the next, though it seems very difficult. At a time like this, I just wish that I had scored two more percent!” sighed Ayushree Sharma from Dehradun Public School, Ghaziabad, who seemed very tensed about the college she gets into even after being the topper of her school.
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In the very first list, the cut off of Shree Ram College of Commerce for B.Com (hons) was 97.5% for commerce students, 98.50 for science and 99% for humanities’ students. Hindu College kept its cut off for Economics (honours) at 98%. The cut off for the same course was 94% at Maitreyi College.
“I have scored 86% in my boards and I want to purse Economics, but the cut off has made me to worry about whether I will even get the course! I don’t want to study at any of the private institutions so, I would probably go for CA if I don’t make it to DU,” stated Pramilla Ken, a pass out from Delhi Public School, Vasundra.
The second list witnessed a very marginal decline where the top-most college SRCC closing its admissions for Economics (hons). A very slight decline in the cut off was noticed in others like Hindu and Hansraj.
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“The number of seats in every college are very few because of which the cut off is this high. It is very competitive these days. Making to the most prominent colleges of Delhi University is possible for the highest scorers only. Even the colleges of south campus have kept their cut off very high,” stated Dr. Sunita, Professor of Hindi and ECA (Extra Curricular Activities) convener at Daulat Ram College.
She further added, “Even the number of applications for ECA trials has been higher this time. This is the best platform for the students who could not score that well in boards but have expertise in any particular talent/field. Out of thousands of applicants, only twelve or thirteen are selected for admissions. Yes, DU hails the creamy ones not just in academics but in extra curricular activities as well”.
With these high cut offs, it is difficult to judge whether the education system of the country is on the right track or not! Where knowledge should be the priority of the students, all they run after is marks, probably because that is all they need to make it to the topmost colleges.
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