The Beet Of My Heart

The Beet Of My Heart
7 Reasons to Add Beets to Your Diet
Beets are one of those under appreciated members of the vegetable community that are infamous for all the wrong reasons. In reality they are extremely healthy and just happen to delicious and very tasty.
If you love Beets, this article might not be for you (but read on! Who doesn’t like validation), and if you don’t, here are some reasons to change your mind:
• Beets Cleanse the Body
Beets are like natures tonic for the liver, they help purify your blood and in the process can ward off cancer. Tastes good and fights cancer? What’s not to love?
Beets can be consumed in a Salad Source
• They Lower Blood Pressure
A recent study conducted at London’s Queen Mary University concluded that one pint (glass) of beetroot juice can lower blood pressure much more effectively than medication.
P.S. – Please do not stop taking your medication! But yes, consuming a glass of Beetroot juice daily can really help you control your blood pressure.
Beets are extremely healthy and just happen to delicious. Source
• They Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Raw beets or raw beetroot juice contains high amounts of betaine, nature’s weapon that wards of ageing and diseases because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Beets are a high source of energy. Source
• Beet Are a High Source of Energy
They are one of the rare natural products that are high in sugar but low in calories i.e. the sugar is released very gradually into your system (unlike other sweets like chocolates).
Beet Soup Source
• They Are Immunity Boosters
Rich in Potassium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, iron; vitamins A, B & C; beta-carotene, beta-cyanine; folic acid etc. Beets are very effective in boosting the body’s immunity and providing an added layer of defense against many serious diseases.
Beet Juice Source
• They Reduce the Risk of Birth Defects
Beets have high amounts of B-complex vitamin fol ate, which when consumed by pregnant women reduce the risks of birth defects significantly.They are very beneficial the growth of new cells during pregnancy and help to replenish the iron content in the woman’s body.
• Beets are Nature’s Viagra
No, seriously they are! Romans were one of the first ones to figure out a use for beets as an aphrodisiac. Science concurs, as beets contain high amounts of boron, which directly contribute to the production of sex hormones.
Now that you are aware of the benefits of Beets, here are the various ways in which they can be consumed:
• They can be juiced.
• They can be pureed.
• The juice can be used as natural coloring (pink).
• They can be sliced and added to salads.
• Cooked beets can be added to soups and stews.
• Steamed beets can be tossed in salt and flax-seed oil and then directly consumed.