Take Care of Your Skin This Winter

Take Care of Your Skin This Winter
Winters are here, the time when we all struggle to make our skin look better and healthy. And knowing the right remedy for the right skin type can be a little difficult. So, One World News along with Dr.Deepali Bharadwaj (Dermatologist) brings to you, ways to keep your skin looking amazing this winter.
Oily Skin-
Considered as one of the best skin type from aging perspective in winters, Oily Skin doesn’t get spoiled much but there are chances that the skin would get a little dry especially if one has thyroid or is thirty plus.
In such cases, if the skin is dry then it would itch and if it would itch it can form eczema, causing an allergy and would look ugly and scaly. This can also lead to wrinkle formation; however, if you take care of the skin then you can keep aging problems away. However, it is important for people who live in northern or eastern side of India to keep their skin moisturized taking care of the fact that the moisturizer type is oily.
Also, after taking a bath, on slightly wet body, it is recommended to put a few drops of olive oil, sesame oil or vitamin E oil, on the areas which are easily prone to get dry. It is also recommended to use glycerin soap (a see-through soap) while bathing.
It is recommended to eat- Flax seeds, Omega oil and evening flower of primrose in winters and in such weather, it is essential to take oil- intakes everyday because as the skin dries from outside the same way internal organs also get dry. So, even internal nourishment is needed in winters. And it is important for everyone to understand that the water intake should be same as the summers, you might not feel thirsty but your body does.
Dry Skin:
People with dry skin type have to take care of their diet as well. They should increase the intake of Flax seeds, evening flower of primrose, fish & egg (if possible) and oil. Cooking oil is a good medium and advisable during winters.
People with dry-skin require to nourish their skin thrice a day with moisturizer and for bathing, should use a pure glycerin soap. After taking a bath, put oil lavishly on the body and after wearing clothes apply body lotion on the exposed areas. Do not hesitate to put oil or moisturizer whenever you feel itchy in the day or night time.
Normal Skin:
Normal skinned people have to do a little of both the things as said above. In winters, normal skin will become dry, dry would become even drier and oily skin would turn into normal. You should try preventing your skin texture from changing as then there are more chances of wrinkles, stretch marks, eczema and the skin becomes weak and poor, so you need to take care of it.
Combination Skin: Combination skin is a new type of skin that is developing in the new generation due to application of make-up, fancy products and facial treatment in beauty parlors. These beauty parlor treatments induces a skin type which is sensitive skin, in which the T-part of the face is oily and rest is dry and it can be vice-versa too. These sort of skin types are very commonly found these days and they should use two forms of face wash- one for oily and one for dry. They should use the face-wash for dry skin in the morning and the latter one at night.
Use moisturizers meant for normal skin, nourish the skin inside out so that the skin type becomes one and don’t stay as a combination. For better skin, splash cold water on your face many times, use a good make-up remover which is alcohol and acetone free, use mineral based makeup and drink four to five liters of water every day.
So, we hope now you have an idea about what to do in the winter season to keep your skin as fresh and young as possible. If you have any query you can contact Dr. Deepali Bharadwaj at +91-9560550000 or +91-9971998002 or you can also email her at drdeepali1@yahoo.com.
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