Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar
Unlike before, now the world knows the power of Yoga, how it helps to keep our body and mind in sync and makes us stay fit physically and mentally. The exercises, which are called the asanas offer a solution for all human ailments. But the science of Yogasanas is very vast, thus making it difficult to discuss all of them. However, there are some popular sets of yoga poses, which when performed regularly give the benefit of a complete package. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is one such set of twelve asans, which cure and tone the whole body.
Surya Namaskar is a series of asanas, which are done simultaneously one after another in a particular sequence. The alternating backward and forward bending postures flex and stretch the spinal cord at the maximum range giving a profound stretch to the body.
How to do Surya Namaskar?
First of all, as the name suggests, it is done in the early morning hours whilst the sun is rising, we can also do it a bit later but it is recommended to perform while the sun rises. Get fresh and take a bath and in an open space like a garden or on a terrace, perform it over a mat or blanket. Wear loose and plain clothes.
Here’s how to go ahead, the twelve steps to do Surya Namaskar:
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1. Namaskar: Start in a standing position, facing the sun. Both your feet should touch each other, palms joined together, in a prayer pose. Take a deep breath and exhale. Om Mitray Namah is the sun’s name chanted while doing this asan.
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2. Hasta utthasana: With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head and tilt slightly backward arching your back. Chant Om Ravaye namah while doing this asan.
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3. Hasta padasana: With a deep exhalation and chanting Om Suryay Namah, bend forward and touch the mat, both palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.
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4. Ashwa sanchalanasana: With a deep inhalation and chanting Om Bhanve Namah, take your right leg away from your body, in a big backward step. Both your hands should be firmly planted on your mat, your left foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.
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5. Dandasana: With a deep exhalation and chanting Om Khagay Namah, shove your hips and butt up towards the ceiling, forming an upward arch. Your arms should be straight and aligned with your head.
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6. Ashtang Namaskar: Chanting Om Pushnehe Namah with a deep exhalation, lower your body down till your forehead, chest, knees, hands and feet are touching the mat, your butt tilted up. Take a normal breath in this pose.
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7. Bhujangasana: With a deep inhalation, slowly snake forward till your head is up, your back arched concave, as much as possible. Chant Om Hiranyagarbhay Namah while performing this asan.
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8. Parvatasana: Breathing out and speaking Om Marichaye Namah, lift the hips and the tail bone up, chest downwards in an ‘inverted V’ (/\) posture.
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9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Om Aadityay Namah is the mantra for this asan, breathing in, bring the right foot forward in between the two hands, left knee down to the floor, press the hips down and look up.
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10. Hasta Padasana: Breathing and chanting Om Savitre Namah put your left foot forward and keep your palms on the floor, in the starting it is difficult to do this asana without bending knees so, and you may bend it a bit. Gradually you will be able to do it with straight knees.
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11. Hasta Utthasana: Inhale and chant Om Arkay Namah, bend your spine up raise the arms and bend backwards stay in that position for a while.
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12. Taadasana: While exhaling and chanting Om Bhaskaray Namah stretch your body in a straight position stretch as much as you can then bring the arms down relax in that position.
Sun salutation has lots of benefits apart from making us physically fit, it also calms our mind. Sun rays are a rich source of vitamin D, it helps to strengthen our bones and eye vision.
Various asanas carried out in the Surya Namaskar not only helps you to maintain this posture but also helps you in burning extra fats and calories and gives you a fabulous body to flaunt.
The correct breathing with asanas helps to overcome various breathing problems as well.
This asana is known to facilitate blood circulation and thereby, help hair growth and prevent hair problems.
It also reduces anxiety and restlessness and enhances our strength and vitality.
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