International Artwork Exhibition at HICC

International Artwork Exhibition at HICC
The Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre, in cooperation with the India Art Fair, organized the International Artworks exhibition, COCOS NUCIFERAS by MD Deleep (Franco-Swiss) from France-Switzerland and SPIRIT AND MATTER – THREE ARTISTS – THREE GENERATIONS by Ilona Lovas, Anna Makovecz and Villő Turcsány from Hungary, organized by Anna Bagyó, curated by Katalin Keserü on Tuesday, 27th January, 2015 at 5 pm, at lawns and gallery of the HICC.
The two exhibitions were inaugurated by H.E. Mr. Szilveszter Bus, Ambassador of Hungary and H.E. Mr. François Richier, Ambassador of France.
MD Deleep art exhibited at Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre
Mr. Tibor Kovács welcomed the audience and introduced H.E. Mr. François Richier, Ambassador of France and the artist, Mr. MD Deleep to everyone. Following that he introduced H.E. Mr. Szilveszter Bus, Ambassador of Hungary, the artist- Ms. Anna Makovecz, the Hungarian exhibition organizer- Ms. Anna Bagyo to the audience. Both the Ambassadors congratulated the artists about their respective works and each artist narrated their distinct ideology to the viewers.
Talking about the change in the past few years in terms of Hungarian Culture in Delhi, Mr Kovacs said “What is most stunning and positive is that the audience is more attentive. In past five years we are seeing more turn up of the audience which is amazing because people are getting more informed about Hungarian culture. Hungary also has an Asian culture and the cultural roots are very similar, which can be felt when an Indian visits Hungary.
Musical performance during inauguration of exhibition
Talking about their focus on pieces which hail from history and on introducing modern music to the audiences in India, Mr.Kovacks spoke “We do bring both- modern and history work from Hungary. This exhibition is a mixture of the old and new as the lady is using old techniques to create modern work and on the other hand we have installations which are contemporary. So we provide platforms to both upcoming and old artists and are aiming to promote our culture.”
In conversation with One World News, Mr Szilveszter Bus, Ambassador of Hungary said “I think art is a great medium to get two countries together. Everything changes but culture and arts are something that would stay no matter what. Technologies are challenges but we have to adapt to new circumstances and also, have to reserve and represent our values and heritage which is the biggest challenge for both the countries.”
Artists with Ambassador of France- Francois Richier and Ambassador of Hungary- Szilveszter Bus
Ending the conversation, Mr. Bus spoke about his plans and visions, “I don’t think 3 or 4 years are enough to understand India but I want to have close contact with the people and culture of India as it has been an amazing experience. I believe in merging up with people no matter which position you are in since there has to be some connection with reality and one cannot live in a fake world.”