Roman Reigns, New WWE heavyweight champion

The Roman Empire has begin, Roman reign defeated Sheamus on Monday night raw to become the WWE world heavyweight for a second time.
Reign got a rematch with Sheamus on Sunday night at the Tables, Chairs and Ladders pay-per-view. After interference in that match, Reigns went into frenzy and hit 3 members of League of Nations with steel chairs.
He also took our WWE COO Triple H, hitting with same chair, he also throw Triple H on announce table and spear him on floor. Instead of Triple H, Vince was there in raw Monday night.
Vince gave Reigns his rematch, but if he were to lose, he’d be fired. Despite interferences from Vince, Rusev, Alberto Del Rio, Reigns spear Sheamus and picked up the pinfall victory and WWE title as well. With this, he also took his revenge from authority, Sheamus and from League of Nations.
Dean Ambrose also defeated Kevin Owens and become new Intercontinental champion on Sunday at TLC match.