Report reveals huge upside potential for Toursim in India

Winter session has started in India’s Parliament. Replying to questions, India’s Tourism Minister Mahesh Sharma revealed some startling figures about performance of India’s tourism sector.
According to Sharma, India receives only 0.68 percent of World Tourists, and further, the average stay of these tourists have come down by two days in the recent pasts.
Taking the theory of ‘glass – half full – half empty’, one can surmise that a terrific upside potential exists for improving this figure manyfold, creating tens of thousands of jobs and investment.
India as nation offers much for tourists of all ilk. Ancient buildings and monuments, temples, mountains and rivers for sports enthusiasts, beautiful beaches, multivaried cuisines and what not.
Forming a public-private initiative, not only on national, but state and local levels, under mentorship of experts from India and abroad will help understand the needs and desires of potential tourists better, creating scope on district levels for implementing and monitoring toursit friendly policies.
Involving the security apparatus, and even appointing ‘citizen policepersons’ to help tourists have a safe and enjoyable stay, at competitive price points would go a long way in fulfilling this dream.
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