Remembering Sigmund Freud on his 160th Birthday

Ever wondered what your dreams meant? The idea what dreams “mean” anything and that we have an active subconscious mind is the concept we owe to Sigmund Freud, who was born 160 years ago from today.
(Sigmund Freud)
Freudian terms like “free association,” “Sibling Rivalry,” and a “death wish” is part of our vernacular and his theories remain to be a topic of heated debate among academics.
Freud’s theories have managed to garner such attention from people because its practices rest in the spaces between patient and doctor, human and world and reader and text.
Let’s have a look at some of his famous theories and concepts:
Stages of Development or Psychosexual Development
* Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
His theory of personality development that centered on the effects of sexual pleasures drive on the individual psyche. In this theory he claimed that in the development process a single body part is particularly sensitive towards to sexual, erotic stimulation. And if this method of obtaining satisfaction is not fulfilled it would ultimately affect his adult personality.
• Dream Theory
Dream analysis the possibility to decipher the mystery of neurotic disorders specially hysteria and secondly it also opens the road towards our unconscious. His phrase “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious” has become quiet famous.
The first great dream that he made his theory a great discovery in 1895, was the dream of Irma’s injection, which he analyzed and published in his grandiose work The Interpretation of Dreams (1900).
• Id, Ego, Superego
According to Freud there are different driving forces during these stages which play an important role in how we interact with world. His works have set groundwork for how our personalities are developed.
A health person is the one whose ego is the strongest so that it is able to satisfy the needs of id, by not upsetting the superego, and still take into the consideration of reality in every situation.
• Defense Mechanism
As per Freud the humans are tend towards tension reduction, in order to rescue from the feelings of anxiety.
Defense mechanism could be psychologically healthy or maladaptive,but the overall goal is tension reduction.
Freud’s has given us a lot of theories and concepts to understand our conscious and subconscious minds, and his works will always be remembered and help in the field of psychology.