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Rabindranath Tagore – One Hundred Years of Global Reception


Rabindranath Tagore, the poet who travelled all over the world, introduced India to other countries and has been the pioneer in putting India on the global map, once again comes alive in our memories.

Rabindranath Tagore - One Hundred Years of Global Reception - one world news

Mr. Jawhar Sircar (CEO, Prasar Bharati), Tibor Kovacs (Director, HICC), Martin Kämpchen from Germany and Imre Bangha from Hungary (editors of book)

Today at Hungarian International Cultural Centre, Mr. Jawhar Sircar, CEO, Prasar Bharati, Mr. Anand Singh Bawa, Honorary Secretary, Federation of Indo-German Societies in India along with Martin Kämpchen (Germany) and Imre Bangha (Hungary) launched a book that talks about Rabindranath Tagore and past hundred years of his global reception.

As the event unfolded, each member on the panel spoke about their fond memories of Rabindranath Tagore or stories they have heard of him during their childhood or his poetry. The book has various chapters and takes you to the tour of countries visited by Rabindranath Tagore and how he was received in those places. It is a mere coincident that Hungary and Germany felt that there are a lot of things common in the kind of poetry Tagore wrote or recited and in their own folk songs. And there are countries, where even now, his poetry is been talked about and is translated or taken as an inspiration. He has also been referred as the central figure of the Indian culture and as a romantic rebel in the book, supported by various examples/situations.

Rabindranath Tagore - One Hundred Years of Global Reception - one world news

Tibor Kovacs (Director, HICC), addressing the media

Martin Kampchen shared some excerpts from the book giving a brief about what has been mentioned in it whereas Imre Bangha shared his difficulty of editing this book. Interestingly, the launch of the book was decided some four years back but as they started to search for material and talked to people they realised it wasn’t an easy task.

There are a lot of books available on Rabindranath Tagore but this book has every minute detail that must not have been mentioned at least in one book. And also, this book promises to reveal issues which would open up various problems and let us know more about Tagore and as has been said, the book is brimming with a lot of opportunities that can be explored in future.

Rabindranath Tagore - One Hundred Years of Global Reception - one world news

Tibor Kovacs (Director, HICC), Martin Kämpchen from Germany and Imre Bangha from Hungary (editors of book) and Anand Singh Bawa, Honorary Secretary, Federation of Indo-German Societies in India present at the book launch

The book explores various perspectives of Tagore, one of it being getting all the countries together and formulate a peaceful tomorrow and also, how he was inclusive of every religion even when in a lot of countries he wasn’t received in a good way.

The contributors and editors of the book look forward to more such opportunities where they can talk about and inform the audience about different aspects of Tagore’s life.

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