Joyous News

Quit smoking, and quit it now!

For those of you who have always been on the edge of quitting smoking, a new study has come up with the best possible way to do it now.



Instead of giving up slowly, day by day one cigarette a day, this study asks you to practice the all-in approach and go cold turkey. Researchers have found out that those would-be quitters who just went in and gave up smoking altogether were at a greater chance of success than the wade in quitter who tried slowing down over two week’s time.

Most people tend to start smoking due to depression or anxiety or other fears but they don’t realise that this habit will eventually push them deeper into the same pool.

So we recommend you to go all out with smoking because quitting isn’t what you give up, it’s about what you get back. So quit smoking people, and quit it now!

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