Queen of Herbs – Tulsi

Tulsi is one of the plants which are worshipped in India every morning. Hindu believers believe that worshipping this plant gives pleasure to their gods that’s why they pray this plant like they would worship their gods. It was found some 5000 years ago. Tulsi is scientifically called Ocimum Tenuiflorum. This plant is usually used in Ayurveda as a medical plant and herbal tea. And in a lot of places one might come across Tulsi being used for any big or small illnesses. Let see few benefits of Tulsi:
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1) Used as medical treatment:
The extracts of Tulsi are used to cure various diseases such as common cold, inflammation, Malaria, heart-diseases and many more. Tulsi contains hundreds of beneficial compounds and possesses strong antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immune enhancing properties. It is a good germicidal agent and disinfectant that saves human body from various diseases.
2)Control Stress:
Tulsi enables to control stress in body and balances different processes of body. It is well known to promote longevity. In Ayurveda, it is considered as a destroyer of all dosha’s (evils). It keeps the body rejuvenated and keeps a person fresh mentally and stimulates the thought process.
3) Tulsi prevents cough and cold:
one can avoid cough and cold if he or she chews tulsi leaves. The extract of the leaf will mobilise mucous in bronchitis. If it is heated along with honey and ginger then it would act as an effective remedy for influenza, flu, asthma, and cold. In case of sore throat one can boil Tulsi leaves and water and drink it.
4) Tulsi effects on Kidney:
Tulsi leaves juice if mixed with honey then it would be a great remedy for removing Renal Stones through the urinary tract. Also because Tulsi being a detoxifier, it can reduce the uric acid level, the reason behind formation of stones in kidney.
5) Tulsi benefits for Heart patients:
Tulsi acts as a protector of heart and strengthens it. It reduces the cholesterol level and blood pressure. Tulsi also contains Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants such as Eugenol which protects the heart from harmful effects of free radicals.
6) Best for babies:
People usually avoid anti-biotics for babies and when babies are teething they usually go through a troubling period so for a soothing experience one can apply Tulsi’s extract on gums along with honey and massage them. This would lead to easy growth of teeth. Warm Tulsi juice kills worms in stomach and also mixture of Tulsi juice and honey will help in getting relieve from cough and sore throat.
7) Stomach Problems:
Tulsi leaves help digestive system and help to tackle problems like acidity, constipation and it also help to get relieve from suffering from a lack of appetite and vomiting.
8) Eye Disorder:
If one washes their eyes with water which had Tulsi leaves soaked in it, it can help to avoid conjunctivitis, boils and other problems of eyes which are usually caused by bacterial and fungal infections. It is also a remedy for night blindness and soreness which are due to lack of Vitamin A.
9) Reduces Diabetes and give reliefs from pain:
Tulsi is one of the herbs that control the level of sugar in body of a person. Some compounds found in Tulsi are used for reducing inflammation and neurological pains and have no side effects. Tulsi is also used for treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds because of its antiseptic and healing properties.
10) Helps to quit smoking:
Tulsi is an effective way of quitting smoking. All you need is to chew the fresh leaves of Tulsi when you have urge to smoke. Chewing will distract your urge and the extract of Tulsi leaves will give mint effect in your throat. The anti-oxidants will help to cut down all the damages that have been done till now.
Image Courtesy http://www.sydlerindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/tulsi1.jpg
Image Courtesy http://cdn2.stylecraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Amazing-Benefits-Of-Tulsi.jpg
Image Courtesy http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6XUiRyf_-wE/TFuuGyBUaBI/AAAAAAAABlw/IUcuVvV7kJI/s1600/Rama+Tulsi+ready+for+Harvest.jpg
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