Preparing Yourself For Hiking Emergencies

Preparing Yourself For Hiking Emergencies
Hiking in the mountains or in fact anywhere on the planet is a whole lot of fun. People hike to stay fit and to escape the hectic and energy sucking urban life. Hiking is an adventure and like any other adventure activity, it has some risks associated with it. It is mostly done in alienated places away from any habitation. So, in case you land in any kind of trouble like becoming a victim of a natural disaster or getting seriously wounded by an animal, it’s only you yourself and your friends who can help you out in such emergency situations.
But the question is, are you prepared for such emergencies?
If your answer to the above question is no, then you should pay some attention to the below given points on what you should carry to tackle such emergencies. These things can prove to be the difference between life and death.
• Let someone know of your plans
Always inform someone about where you are going, which route you would be taking and the tentative date by which you will be back.
So that if you are in trouble and not back by the tentative date, at least there is someone to inform the search and rescue team and also give them an idea on what route was taken by you.If you’ve seen 127 hours, you would know how this tip could be a life saver.
127 hours was a movie about an adventure trip gone wrong. Source
• Carry a BSNL SIM
Wherever you go for hiking in India, be it atop the Himalayas, down south or towards the 7 sisters, make sure to carry a BSNL SIM without fail. This could be your life saver.
Even if you are stranded nowhere and lost your way, do not worry. Climb up the nearest high point you can see and watch in astonishment the network signal pop up.
• Emergency Kit
I cannot stress more on the importance of an emergency kit as the countless times it has saved a hikers life speaks for itself. Never forget to carry it, even if you are going for a day expedition, you can’t take the fury of nature for granted.
Your emergency kit must contain the following –
1. Apollo First Aid Kit (Available at any medicine store near you)
2. Swiss knife
3. Strike anywhere Match Sticks/ Magnesium Starter
4. Water Bottle
5. Friction Torch
6. Compass
7. Several protein and energy bars
Emergency Kit Source
• Firecrackers/ Reflector Sheet
Yes, a source of enjoyment can sometimes turn out to be a life saver.
There are rescue choppers looking for you but to them you are just a tiny pin in a sack of hay and it is nearly impossible for them to spot you, unless, you do something which attracts their attention. Firecrackers and reflector sheets serve this purpose.
Not to forget that if you have the financial resources, a Flare Gun is the best option.
Shot from a flare gun Source
Also, watch a lot of survival shows on how ordinary people survived the toughest of situations. I Shouldn’t Be Alive is one hell of a show, based on real incidents. Man Vs Wild is again a good show. Even if you remember a tiny bit from such shows, it could make a big difference in actual emergencies.