Nutrition during adulthood

Adulthood is characterized by attainment of maturity and cessation of growth.
The energy needs are mainly to sustain body functions and activity. Energy and nutrient needs are dependent on height, weight and activity pattern of an individual.
Fulfiling the nutritional needs through an adequate and balanced diet helps to maintain good health and delay the onset of degenerative disorders which commonly arise with advancing age.
Foods should be selected from all the food groups, based on the income.
Food allowances should be made considering:
Breakfast is the important meal of the day. (1/3 or 1/4 of the day’s food should be taken for breakfast).
Lunch should provide 1/3 of day’s food intake. It consists of protein and protective foos and small portion of starchy food.
Dinner should be the lightest meal, as this is followed by sleep, when metabolic activity is at a minimum.
A 5-6 meal pattern with 3 meals and 2-3 small meals is beneficial.
Excess fat, salt, sugar and products rich in these should be avoided.