Now you can soon contact your seller, customer care on Flipkart app

The shopping app Flipkart has said that it is going to replace a feature on its app with a feature that will further allow interaction between sellers and customer soon.
Ping, a social feature in the app that will allow the customers to reach out to family and friends along with an image search that will be shut down when the consumers are showing a very less interest in these features which was launched just a year ago.
As per a company statement, after 25th June 2016, the users will not be able to chat with their friends and family on Ping but can browse through the existing chats on the app.
Customer Care to be soon on Flipkart App
However, customers will be able to continue to share any messages or products through any social media platform of their choice.
Both of the features were launched under the leadership of Punit Soni Company’s former chief product officer, an ex-Googler, who has quit Flipkart in April to further pursue new opportunities in Silicon Valley.
However, the customer-seller feature comes in replacement of Ping and the customer care chat feature will also be available soon. This means that the customer will be getting a clearer picture of products and various other services on the e-commerce platform.