Now cure yourself through musical therapy!

Now cure yourself through musical therapy!
Are you looking for ways to gain control of your body or to develop a healthier and comfortable lifestyle? One World News brings to you all kinds of healings under one roof primarily, Crystal and Musical therapy, Vibration healing and Orthoceras where you can burn your stress and lead a happy life.
Dr. Anoop Agarwal, well-known for his Aura intelligence, is the founder and Managing Director at Satyamani healing organization. He has an experience of over thirty-six years in vibration crystal healing and aura analysis. Along with it, he is also a Usui Reiki master, Karuna Reiki practitioner and past life healer.
Please share with us, your thoughts on ‘healing’?
I had been working since 1976 in this field, studying and researching to assure the highest quality of vibration on gems and healing crystals. During my journey from worldly affairs to spirituality, I had a tough time learning meditation, numerology, music, Reiki etc. But, the most important aspect was to understand and crack the answer to ‘Who Am I?’
How did this journey begin?
It was a memorable incident when I was asked by one of the employees to touch the feet of his Guru. I refused to do so and later realized that it is not possible to be spiritual in this world. So, this was accepted as a challenge to prove to be spiritual while remaining in the family and handling worldly affairs. That was just the beginning of the journey. No doubt, it took 15 years for me to realize that the Guru is inside and God is within us. The whole system so far is learnt through experience of self during meditations.
In 1991, company was formed and since then more than 30,000 people have got connected with us.
So, what is Satyamani all about?
Satyamani as it specifies GEM OF TRUTH, provides healing therapy for strengthening the body, mind and resolving issues through various forms of natural crystals and gem stones since 1991. The organization has been sourcing and dealing in vast variety of high quality crystals and gemstones with a clean and proven track record. With well-qualified expertise and nearly 36 years of prolonged experience in testing and suggesting genuineness, utmost care is taken to provide the best quality product with best of further personalized guidance. Further, we have been providing commendable and rigorous training facilities and seminars on non-conventional healing therapy. At Satyamani, we specialize in Aura analysis, Crystal Therapy, Meditation, Numerology, Reiki, Music Therapy and Past life Regression analysis. In the process, we have cultivated a vast number of satisfied clientele from all walks of life.
Discuss the use of stones in crystal therapy.
The historical tales tells us that stones were first used in Atlantis. Crystals became important to the people of that civilization where they believed in their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners of modern-day crystal therapy believe that the stones’ ability to work as conductors allow them to focus energy via a person’s thoughts to stimulate healing – both physical and non-physical.
Crystals are a useful tool in energy work because they vibrate. Not only this, they can even amplify or ‘mimic’ any vibration conducted through them. The mechanical pressure referred earlier is actually present already in the most common crystal formation. The structure of a quartz crystal was created under pressure. The silicates and minerals contained within the crystal are pressurized and that is why crystals are known to shatter when large energies are passed through them or even when they are left in the heat or cold.
This is where ‘we’ come in. When we use a crystal, we alter its vibration. We as practitioners are aware that simple thoughts have vibrations let alone when we focus our will, summon our energy and pass it through the stone. When this occurs, we are easily able to create a huge beacon or battery, a continuous vibration of our will or intent.
What are Orthoceras and how do they help?
Orthoceras is related to the sea animals and the chambered shells. They lived 500 million years ago and are now destroyed. Orthoceras fossils are most often found on a black background with white and silver flecks. When polished, they look quite striking.
It is often said that Orthoceras have protective properties. Spiritually, many appreciate the sense of awe holding a fossil such as this can give, holding something that was last alive 400-500 million years ago. This can be used for luck and as well as for enhancement of business.
Does music really help in healing? Any example of people who have ben benefited from it?
Research has shown that music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking and a slower tempo promoting a calm, meditative state. Also, research has found that the change in brainwave activity levels that music brings also enables the brain to shift speeds more easily on its own as needed. It means that the music can bring lasting benefits to your state of mind, even after you have stopped listening.
With alterations in brainwaves, changes in other bodily functions also occur. Those governed by the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing and heart rate can also be altered by the changes music can bring. This can mean slower breathing, slower heart rate and an activation of the relaxation response, among other things. This is how music can help counteract or prevent the damaging effects of chronic stress, thereby promoting relaxation and health.
Music can also be used to bring a more positive state of mind and helps in keeping depression and anxiety at bay. As a result, it prevents the stress response from wreaking havoc on the body and can help keep creativity and optimism levels higher, bringing many other benefits.
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Music has also been found to bring many other benefits, such as lowering blood pressure (which can also reduce the risk of stroke and other health problems over time), boost immunity, ease muscle tension, and more. With so many benefits and such profound physical effects, there is no surprise that so many are seeing music as an important tool to help the body in staying (or becoming) healthy.
What actually is Aura intelligence and Aura cleansing?
Aura Intelligence is a means for gaining control of our body processes to increase relaxation, relieve pain, and develop healthier, more comfortable life patterns.
The human nervous system is the most complex communication system known to exist in the universe. It has more interconnections (synapses) than there are stars in the sky. The nervous system regulates, controls, and coordinates the moment-by-moment flux of thousands of chemical constituents in the body, organ function, all our movements, our perceptions of the world, our thoughts, emotions, learning, and interpersonal communication and links us spiritually to the unity of the cosmos. Most of this activity happens unconsciously and automatically, without our knowledge or effort. Throughout our lives, as we confront the various stressors that occur every day, we respond by constantly tensing and relaxing. This habituation to unnecessary physiological activity has a wearing effect and can cause such conditions as high blood pressure, headaches, digestive problems and other illnesses.
Once you learn to voluntarily control what were previously involuntarily, subconsciously, or habitually controlled behaviors, you then go on to develop new, positive automatic self-responsible habits. This is Aura Cleansing. We can use music and crystals also for the same.
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Do you conduct workshops, seminars and events as well?
Yes, on a regular basis. We do conduct through the Times of India group as well as at our Janakpuri office.
What is Vibration healing?
This is clear that everything in the universe is energy. Nothing is actually solid. Instead objects are made up of microscopic particles vibrating at such a fast rate that they appear solid. Our limited sense of sight does not let us see the movement, or vibration of the particles. But we can feel it. Every object, including human organs, has a normal vibratory rate. If a part of the body begins to vibrate out of harmony, it creates what we term ‘dis-ease’. If parts of the body become imbalanced because of the emotions, then they may be healed through the proper and correct tools back into the body.”
There are a lot of myths surrounding these healing therapies. Please share with us the insight to what is Vaastu shashtra, Yantra and past life regression?
Vaastu is an ancient Indian science of architecture and buildings which helps in making a pleasant setting for a place to live and work in a most energetic way by reaping advantage of the benefits bestowed on us by mother-nature. The elements and energy enhances wealth, health, prosperity and happiness.
Vaastu Shastra unifies art, science, astronomy, astrology and direction that combine all the five elements called Paanchbhootas of mother-nature (Land, Water, Air, Fire and Space). This paves way towards enhancement of mental and bodily health, wealth, prosperity, happiness and an enlightened environment. Vaastu Shastra helps us to make our lives better and would secure us from factors influencing negative forces and other adversities.
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Past Life Regression is a technique of meditation or self-analysis. While most practitioners believe that it deals with the recovery of old memories from our past life, I personally believe the present is a result of past incidents (from the time one is in the mother’s womb or in the present life). He believes these incidents might be subconsciously disturbing one’s mind, thereby resulting in distress.
Past Life Regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience or in a psycho-therapeutic setting. It is a proven medium or method to allow one to deal with issues from our past as well as present life. We are often holding on to pains that we had and when we recognize the true or real cause of that pain, we find relief and let it go.
What is the purpose of Reiki crystal grid box?
Crystals absorb energy of surroundings which include thought forms of nearby people and therefore crystals even when not in use need to be cleansed on regular basis. Most commonly used method for cleaning them is to leave them overnight in plain water. In morning put those in running water for say, one or two minutes. Now keep the crystal between your hands and pray. There are different kinds of crystal structures that are called grids. There are so many kinds and forms that have not been explored. I usually work with very simple grids rather than the more elaborate and esoteric forms and do not find them any less effective than the more elaborate grids or those made with a lot of formal ritual. Your experience may differ.
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