5 natural homemade face packs to get rid of sun tan

5 Natural Homemade face packs to get rid of sun tan
Summer is the time for fun and outdoor activities. This is the time of the year when families come together and have loads of fun. The sun is hot at times, and its rays could give your skin a lot of problems. Sun tan is the most prevalent problem in summer. So, here are 5 natural homemade face packs to get rid of run sun tan.

Some tan is good, but too much of the sun could give you such a dark tan that you wish you had never ventured out in the first place.
People head to the parlor to remove the tan, but you should know that the parlors will almost invariably use a chemical process for removing your sun tan, so that you can get back your original skin color and shine and these chemical process come with harmful side effects. So go for a homemade face pack for removing your tan these packs are safer and in many ways more efficient.
How your skin gets tan?
Any time your skin is not protected by sunscreen or clothes and gets too much sun. We all have melanin and it decides the color of our skin. People who have dark skin have more melanin. People who have light skin have less. Your body makes melanin to try to protect the deeper of your skin from damage. When your skin gets damaged by the sun’s rays, it makes even more melanin to try to protect your skin from being damaged even more. That causes skin damage color.
Here are 5 natural homemade face packs to get rid of sun tan
Aloe Vera and lemon face pack
What you have to do?
Scoop out some aloe Vera gel in a bowl, add few drops of lemon to it. Apply this pack to your face, wait for 15 minutes, and then rinse off with cold water.
How often you should do this?
Do this once or twice daily
Benefits of this Aloe Vera and lemon face pack
- It is an excellent moisturizer for skin. It hydrates and keeps your skin fresh throughout the day.
- Aloe Vera and lemon has anti-microbial properties making it ideal to treat acne and pimples.
- Strawberry and milk cream face pack
What you have to do?
Crush 4 strawberries and mix with 2 tablespoon of milk cream and apply on face. Let it stay for 30 minutes and then rinse off with water.
How often you should do this
Apply this twice a week
Benefits of this strawberry and milk cream face pack
- It has an excellent skin lightening properties that help in improving skin complexion and reducing dark spots, pigmentation.
- Milk cream provides deep nourishment to the skin and, moisturizes it.

Milk powder, honey and almond oil face pack
What you have to do
Mix 2 table spoon of milk powder with 1 tablespoon of honey and a few drops of almond oil and apply on face. Leave it on the face for 20 minutes before washing off with water.
How often you should do this
Repeat this twice a week
Benefits of this milk powder, honey and almond oil face pack
- Milk powder works wonder for the moisturizing skin, reducing effects of sun tan and imparting clearer tone and texture to the skin.
- Almonds cannot just relieve the side effects of a sun tan, but they can also fight sun tan and make your skin healthier than before. They are natural bleaching agents and contain plenty of vitamins C.
Pineapple and honey face pack
What you have to do
Mix 2 tablespoon of pineapple pulp with one tablespoon of honey and apply on face, wait for 3-5 minutes wash thoroughly with water.
How often you should do this
Do this once or twice a week
Benefits of this pineapple and honey face pack
- The enzymes in pineapple helps in removing dead cells from tanned and burnt areas.
- Pineapples are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants that neutralizes the damaging effects of free radicals and oxidative stress and slow down the appearance of the signs of aging such as fine lines, freckles and wrinkles and help in lightening age spots, pigmentation and sun tan.
Cabbage leaves
What you have to do
Take out 2 big leaves from the outer portion of the cabbage and keep it in the refrigerator. Once it is cold, put it on your face so that the entire face becomes covered. Keep this for at least 20 minutes and try to relax.
How often you should do this
Repeat this twice a week
Benefits of this cabbage leave
- It’s great to remove that unsightly tan now besides being utilized for your lunch salad; it can work pretty well for skin as well.
- Filled with vitamin C, A, k it has anti-inflammatory properties which work well on tan marks